Chapter 26: "I just had a meet-cute."

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~3 years later~

Author's POV:
"Cheers!" They all said. "So, dearest sis..." Jungkook began, "What's the plan now? How much longer till your practice begins?" "Oh, as you guys know, I bought a space two months ago, so the clinic is ready now. A student at the University is interested to assist me with appointment communication. He said he could join me as soon as I require it. He's been sweet. Professor Park has helped me with clients since he's refering them to me. Hopefully they like me, and they'll continue with me. They've agreed. I really owe Professor Park. The psychiatrist I used to work with referred a few of her clients to me as well. But they'll come a lot later, she says. I'll probably begin practice next week," Jieun replied.

Hyejin, Wheein, Jungkook and Seokjin (sitting in a ball cap and a mask so he wouldn't be recognised) were happy after listening to her. They were at her restaurant to celebrate the fact that Jieun would soon begin her own practice. Wheein asked Jungkook, "Babe, isn't there some more good news?" "Oh yes! Sis, should I do it or will you?" Jungkook said. "Go ahead, little brother. I'm sure this is a lot more exciting for you," Jieun responded, giggling a little. Jungkook said, "Okay then. So guys... Jieun is transferring ownership of this restaurant to me!" Everyone wowed and clapped.

"So this is the final dinner at this place with Jieun as the owner?" Hyejin said. Jieun nodded and explained how she won't have time anymore to check on the restaurant since the practice will take up most of her hours. She thought Jungkook was the perfect candidate for the transfer of ownership because, not only was he fully capable, but he was soon going to become CEO of Jeon Industries. "You need to drink to that, honey, please stop drinking your stupid iced tea! Start alcohol!" Hyejin said. Everyone laughed.

Seokjin and Jieun had grown very close after Namjoon. He was like her brother. He, too, looked at her as his sister and wanted what's best for her. "Excuse me, guys, I'll just go visit the restroom. I'll be back," Jieun said. Everyone at the table knew what she really meant. 

Jieun's POV:
I walked towards the washroom but took a small exit outside the restaurant. I pulled out my wallet which had that picture of me and Namjoon. "You would've been super proud of me. I finally accomplished what I wanted. Although practice still needs to begin, I have a good feeling about this... Hope you're happy up there. Miss me," I said. "He would definitely be proud of you, Jieun," I heard a voice, which I knew belonged to Seokjin. "I know," I said with a small smile. "When will you let go? It's been three years. You deserve all of it again, Jieun. Yes, it was truly tragic and I miss him every single day too, but I want to see you smile the way you used to when he was with you. Your smile never reaches your eyes these days," he said, genuine and pure concern in his voice.

I was happy he had me in his thoughts. "Thanks Seokjin, but I dont want to have this conversation again. Not today, at least," I said and headed inside. Seokjin soon followed. As soon as I went in, the live band played 'The way you look tonight'. I adored the song and a small smile involuntarily came on my lips. But I heard an unrecognisable voice. I looked up to find a charming young man with the live band, singing with a large smile. He was new. Hadn't seen him before.

I joined my table and Jungkook held my hand tight, and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back, knowing he knew I wasn't in the restroom. About a minute into the very well sung song, Wheein looked at me and said, "Okay so are we ignoring the fact that one of Jieun's favourite songs is being sung by a very attractive man and he hasn't stopped staring at her since she walked in?" Everyone else then took notice as well. He indeed was looking at me. Why? I looked at the guitarist and the drummer whom I knew since they were the original hires, in hopes of an explanation, but I couldn't complain since he was singing so damn well.

After the song ended, the crowd gave him an applause, so did we. We resumed our meal but I soon saw him approaching our table. His eyes fixated on me. Why was he looking at me like that? "Hello beautiful ladies, and of course the lovely gentlemen," he said. "Do I know you? I don't remember hiring you along with Taehyung's band. Are you part of it?" I asked. "Oh no, Tae's my best friend, so he allowed me to join in for one song tonight. Sorry if it was an inconvenience. I was informed this is your restaurant, I should've asked you," he said. "Well, it's now my restaurant, and you are welcome anytime. You have a lovely voice," Jungkook said. The stranger's eyes never pulling off me. His gaze was persistent, but not uncomfortable.

"Oh, no, I sang just for one night... Is this your date for the night?" he asked, a tiny smirk playing on his lips. "Ha! She wishes she had someone as handsome as me! I'm her brother. This amazing, gorgeous beauty right here is my date, now and forever," Jungkook said looking at Wheein. She blushed cutely. I smiled looking at them. "Got to admit, little relieved at that," the stranger said. Hyejin and Wheein were going crazy and making googly eyes at me. I was speechless. I don't know why. I was almost never flustered. But he had no reason to know that.

"No reason to feel relieved at all. Although, you do have a great voice. Glad you joined tonight. Taehyung, Eunwoo and Jaebom seem to love a vocal tone like yours. Speaking of them, I feel like you coming here at our table has not made them feel pleasant. Disrupted their set for the night, it seems. Well, understandable, since their singer for the night just left stage. Hope you have a nice rest of the evening Mr...?" I asked. "Jimin. Park Jimin," he replied, smiling still. I had just lied about the band, they were just minding their own business, but I didn't want him at my table. And his name was vaguely familiar. "Ah, okay. It's good to meet you Mr. Park," I said, my most convincing false smile tugging my lips. I somehow felt like he noticed that my smile was fake. It felt like he was analysing me.

"And you are?" he asked. "Jeon Jieun," I replied sternly. "It's good to meet you, Ms. Jieun," he said with a smile. "You, too. Now if you don't mind, today is an inner-circle event. Sorry for dismissing you so," I said. He took the hint that I was not interested in continuing the conversation, and turned. His smile never faltering. Gosh, what was this man? Does he never back down? He gave me one last look before joining Taehyung.

Jimin's POV:
She very clearly turned me down. But I was still smiling like a fool. Something in me said this wasn't the last time we would be seeing each other. She is absolutely gorgeous, even with that smile that didn't reach her eyes. I imagined what she would look like if she smiled a full, wholehearted smile, my heart going crazy at the thought and my mind full of her beautiful brown eyes. Eunwoo kept asking me a lot of questions but I couldn't even hear him. I felt like a lovesick teenager.

Taehyung saw me and said, "I feel like I should ask, 'What's with that smile?' but you should stop doing that because you're looking like a 50 year old pedophile." I immediately stopped smiling but her face never left my mind. I still put on a soft smile and said, "Hey, Tae? I just had a meet-cute."


A/N : So... Yep, Namjoon's gone :'(
Do we notice how he is still on the cover of the chapter? Can we guess why?
Also, do we notice the dialogue parallels?
If not, you can refer to Chapter 3 :)

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