Chapter 27: "Learn to give people a chance."

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Jieun's POV:
"Why did you dismiss him? He was so nice,
Jieun!" Hyejin said. "I want to spend time with you guys today! Let's not make this about a guy!" I replied. "That's a bummer because Taehyung looks like an absolute God today and I'm almost 200% sure we're gonna hook up," she said, looking at him seductively. I just giggled. "Again? Ooh Hyejin, this is new for you! Is this the fourth time or the fifth?" Wheein said. "Ugh, keep it in your pants! But it's the seventh. Its pretty cool, the whole casual situation. Yeah, it's great," Hyejin said. I could sense she didn't want to accept she actually likes him. "Seventh?! Is the sun rising from the west?" Wheein said. They bickered for some more time, and I was just adoring these two dorks.

Seokjin had to leave. Wheein and Jungkook took off with him. I was alone with Hyejin. She spoke a little more about Taehyung and how they don't just hook-up these days, but also actually have meaningful conversations. I was happy she found someone with whom she could have something a little more serious. She said that she was almost 27 and acknowledged that fooling around wasn't exactly needed anymore. I understood. She deserves the world. She urged me to find someone. I was tired of having that same conversation. She sensed that and stopped soon. I was happy she did.

Taehyung soon caught up with us and we had a little talk. They left and I left with them. Nice day. As I walked home, I let myself think of Park Jimin. I dont know why he was in my thoughts. It had been a very long time since anyone except Namjoon was part of my thoughts. This was new.

Meh, whatever. It's not like we were going to meet again anyways.

~3 weeks later~

Jieun's POV:
"Professor, I have had a breakthrough with two of your clients. The third simply won't trust me. I don't blame him at all, it's so difficult to trust someone else altogether. But I need your help in finding new ways to reach him," I said to Professor Park. "Jieun, I cannot help you here. I wont be there forever, you need to find this out for yourself. I am and always will be your mentor, but this is a professional decision which you need to be strong and wise enough to make. This is your expectation to do well, your self productivity guilt has always been high. Don't expect from yourself. Let yourself fall into your profession. You just need to help people. These are fresh clients. The two you got through to, hadn't gotten through to me at all! What does that tell you about your capabilities?" he said to me. I was shocked. Did I really manage to do that? Wow.

We had a little more of a conversation and when I was about to leave, he said, "Jieun, you remember what I said to you when I approved your thesis?" "Of course," I said. I could never forget that day, no matter how much I wanted to. "I know you still haven't done it," he said. I awkwardly smiled. "Sir, I can't stand Freud. Everything he preached is something beyond me!" I defended myself. "Will you dismiss a patient if he has opposite morals as you?" he asked. I immediately went silent. "First, you know I don't believe in morals. But no, that's different-" I started but he interrupted, "How exactly is that different? Learn to give people a chance, Jieun. They could be different, but they have a reason to think the way they do. You'll always be wiser after information, dear. Hasn't this thinking of yours been the reason you haven't been able to trust anyone else after Namjoon?" I looked down. I knew he was right. "Fine. I'll do it," I said.

"There's a debate that happens every week at Seoul National University. It's based on basics and has spectators. It's pretty interesting. Its a Freud against Skinner debate. It's quite fun to watch. I would suggest you spectate. Each spectator needs to pick a side," he said. I didn't know about this and I had to admit, watching Freudians being demolished would be so much fun. "Okay sure! I'll do it. When?" I asked. He replied, "At 5pm on Saturday. I know your weekends are free. But here's the catch. Watch as a Freudian." My eyes widened. I can't do that! What?! No way!

"Sir, that's just cruel! Why?!" "Because you need to hear the kind of things Freudians believe! You can't deny that Freud was a genius! Even though a lot of his theories are outdated, he did have some excellent theories. He changed the face of psychology, dear," he said. He took a deep breath before continuing, "Think of this as my final assignment for you. I will not be your therapist anymore." I looked into his eyes.

He continued, "I think this debate will change your approach. You will be a lot more open-minded and welcoming. Trust me." I agreed and bid him goodbye. "Hey Jieun, meet my son there. He'll be there. Don't know which side he'll be on. His name is Park Jimin. He's your age," he said.

Where had I heard that name? Oh no, was he that guy in the restaurant that day?


No, there could be so many Park Jimins. The name is probably just a coincidence.

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