Chapter 9: The words I dread.

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~A month later~

Jieun's POV:
The last one month was absolute bliss with Namjoon. He once came to visit me in college, I was pleasantly surprised. He said, "You have such an amazing campus! And since we're in a relationship," slyly wiggling his eyebrows at the word, "I figured i should do this as a good boyfriend." We had a great time and managed to spend time at least twice a week. And we were going pretty strong. Since he visited me once at my college, I thought I should surprise him by visiting his studio too.

~Two days later~

Namjoon's POV:
Things with Jieun were so smooth, I questioned if they were real. She was such an amazing person, and God, was she great at all the "stuff". My mind would involuntarily wander off to her when I had free time. I didn't know if I loved her, and i was 100% sure she hadn't thought of this either. It was hard to think of love again.

I was working on some new music in the studio when I heard someone knock. I opened the door to find Jieun with a box of blueberry and cream cheese muffins. I smiled wide seeing her and she came and hugged me. I gave her a quick kiss and welcomed her in. "Amazing place!" she said. "Thanks," I replied, still unable to believe she was here. "Is this you making things even after I surprised you earlier when I came to your college?" I inquired. "Um, well, I got you something to eat, too, so I would say I'm up by a point," she said, smirking. I smiled, rolling my eyes at her words. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I said, accepting defeat, gladly. She laughed that melodious laugh, and sat on a couch. I started munching on the perfect muffins, my face clearly showing how good they were. She smiled at my reaction. After I finished, whining at how quickly I ate all of the muffins, I threw the box in the garbage.

She called me to the couch with her arms wide open. I immediately crawled into her arms, placing my head on her chest, slowly reaching a state of calm listening to her steady heart beat. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you," she said, playing with my hair. I felt like i was floating on a cloud. "You could never," I said, with a small smile. "You can tell me if you dont want me here, you know. Just say, 'Jieun, you're the best person on Earth, but I really need to work right now'," she joked. I giggled and agreed, "Noted, sweetheart." We spent some time cuddling, I felt like I could not want anything more in this moment.

After a minute, the door swung open, revealing the last person I would want to see right now. "Namjoon I- oh!" he said. Jieun and I quickly separated, my body immediately recognising her absence.

"Oh my God! Kim Seokjin?!" Jieun said. "Hi," he shyly replied, shaking her hand. "And who are you, may I ask?" "Jeon... Jieun. It's an honour to meet you, sir. I absolutely love your voice!" she replied, nervously. Seokjin smiled and said, "Oh, thank you, Jieun, it's always wonderful to meet a fan." He was so polite. It angered me so much. "Yes, what did you want to say to me?" I asked him. "Hold on, Namjoon. Won't you introduce me to your lovely friend?" He replied. I put a protective arm around Jieun and said, "This is my girlfriend, Jieun. And I don't think you need an introduction, she knows I'm your producer." Jieun interjected, "I'm sorry, sir, I had no idea you were gonna come to the studio, if I knew I wouldn't disturb you. Namjoon did tell me you guys work together." Seokjin's smile disappeared.

"Surely I'm more than a coworker, Namjoon. And nonsense, Jieun, please visit often, I would love to meet anyone close to Namjoon," he said. I balled my fists in rage. "Oh sorry, I had no idea you are friends too, I know it's not easy maintaining friendships with that celeb life," Jieun giggled innocently.

Seokjin smiled and said the words i dread. "I'm surprised he didn't say anything. I'm his brother."

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