Chapter 41: "Mind if we have a small chat, Mr. Park?"

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~1 week later~

Jieun's POV:
I drove to Jimin's apartment. I had to talk to him. I spent a week preparing what I'd say, but that's useless. I needed to see him. I rang the doorbell and Taehyung opened. He frowned looking at me. "Is Jimin ho-" I started but he cut me off, "Even if he was I'd never let you meet him. Stop hurting him, Jieun. Please." I sighed and said, "Can we talk?" I said. He allowed me in. I explained that I really did like him and speaking to him was necessary for me. No one said anything for a while. I broke the silence asking, "Is he... seeing anyone?" He scoffed.

Okay, so no.

"Maybe you don't know just how much of an impact you had on him." he said.

Guilt, guilt, more guilt.

He looked at me and said, "He cried so much the day it all happened. He adores you so much, Jieun. Probably since the day y'all first spoke. He's had his share of pain, you know. I know he told you about his mom... When word spread in school, people really treated him very differently. Some even bullied, saying his mom left him because he was sensitive and a cry baby. I could really tell how much of a problem he had in college with perfectly nice girls who expected a relationship out of him. Couldn't commit for the life of him. When he stopped doing all the casual stuff, he was scared. Scared that no one would understand him and would push him away because he's too sensitive. So when I hear you say you like him for who he is, especially his sensitive side, it makes me feel very happy. But when I think about his first actual, real, possibly good relationship and how you royally screwed it up for him, I get so repulsed... But I just want to see him smile again and, as much as I want to deny it, it's only you that can do that. But I beg you, don't go to him if you're still unsure about everything. He'll fall apart and I can't watch that."

We both didn't speak for a while. He broke the silence saying, "He completed his book. Got a publisher too. He wrote too much these past few weeks. Kept him sane, I guess. The publisher really loved his poems. Told him that he needed to arrange a public book reading event before he officially publishes to let people in on some of his work. He's there right now." I smiled and thanked him. He gave me the address of the event.

"Hey Taehyung?" I said. He hummed. "Thanks for trusting me," I said. He smiled. "You're not a bad person, Jieun. It's just that Jimin is the only person I've got, and I'm protective about my best friend, because he's been through too much shit. He doesn't deserve that anymore... My parents passed when I was little and he's been family. When he's hurt, it hurts me too," he said. I smiled at how precious their relation was, making a mental note to have a tiny little appreciation talk with Hyejin and Wheein later today.

"I understand. I feel the same about my best friends, too. They're family," I said, meaning every word. "Uh... Jieun? Jungkook came by, few days ago," he said. "What? Why?" I asked. "He spoke to Jimin. Thanked him for fixing things between you and your father," he said. He saw my clearly unhappy expression and said, "Don't be mad at him. You have a very amazing brother. He really cares about you, and he loves you. He just wants to see you happy."

Yeah, he's right. He's been a support system ever since I was young. Fine, won't be mad at him.

"I appreciate you telling me," I said. He smiled. "If you're like this with people you care about, Hyejin sure is a lucky girl," I said. "What? We're not together. We're just hanging out. Just friends. I don't do relationships, Jieun. Who told you we're together? Did she say something?" he rambled. I laughed.

Denial. This is fun.

"I never said anything about being together," I teased. "Fine. I can see you being all therapist-y. But don't tell her. Please. I'll talk to her on my own terms," he said. "I don't involve myself in others' relations, Taehyung. It only causes miscommunication," I replied. He seemed relieved. We spoke for a little while as he admitted to liking Hyejin. I felt happy hearing she might just have a shot at something very serious.

In a weird way, I understood where Taehyung came from. I consoled him and encouraged him to confess, not only because I knew Hyejin felt the same, but also because telling her would make him feel a lot better. Keeping it in you never helps. "You sound exactly like Jimin right now," he laughed. I smiled. "Speaking of whom, I should probably meet him now," I said. He nodded and wished me luck.

I drove to the address given by Taehyung. Quite a crowd. I was proud of Jimin. When I entered, he was reading a poem. I immediately understood it to be about his father. It was supremely written. Even after the book reading ended, his eyes still hadn't met mine.

He was giving out free copies for the people that had arrived for the tiny, but large event. All of them got in line for his autograph. They must've been really impressed for all of them to take a copy and want his signature. I picked a copy of my own and stood at the end of the line. I knew I had to catch him when everyone had left. As the line became smaller, my heartbeat became faster.

What if he thinks this was extremely rude of me? I know how this could seem convenient and not genuine. But it was nothing if not genuine. I really wanted him to understand me. I reached him and handed my copy. He didn't look at me and asked, "Your name?" "Jieun," I said. He stopped and looked at me.

His eyes unreadable. But he looked sad. Very sad.

We shared a brief eye contact and I said, "Mind if we have a small chat, Mr. Park?"


A/N : Do we notice how the chapter picture is not Namjoon anymore?
Can we guess why, now?

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