Chapter 14: "So... Your girlfriend is having a mental breakdown."

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~1 week later~

Author's POV:
The past week was very well spent by Jieun and Namjoon. They spent quite a lot of time with each other, and things were actually much better than before. They both felt closer to each other and wanted to treat the relationship well. Jieun had stopped telling Namjoon she loved him these days, because she decided she wouldn't say anything unless he initiates.

That day, when Namjoon and Jieun were hanging out in his apartment, Namjoon suddenly spoke up, "Hey, babe, are you free day after tomorrow?" Jieun replied, "That's a Sunday, right? Yeah, I'm free, why, what's up?" Namjoon grew nervous. "Uh... my parents planned a family dinner, and... my parents really want to meet you..." he said. "Oh!" Jieun looked shocked. Meeting the parents was a big step. "Would you be okay with me being there? I don't want to intrude, Namjoon. And Seokjin would definitely be there; I don't want to upset you," Jieun said. 'She's literally an angel' Namjoon thought. "You're the only reason I want to go. I want you to meet my parents. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of you interacting with my brother, but I guess I can't avoid it,"Namjoon said. And it was true. He was strictly against Seokjin and Jieun talking to each other, but he didn't want to explain much. His parents were a huge part of his life and it mattered to him what they thought of Jieun. "Would you be willing to come along with me?" Namjoon asked. "Okay," she said, smiling.

~On Sunday, 2pm~

Jieun's POV:

I yelled. I was SO goddamn nervous about this!

Wheein: "Okay okay jeeez calm your ass down! We'll be there in 20 minutes probably."

I hung up, still pacing around my house, hoping the stress would relieve itself. But it didn't, as 5 o'clock came nearer, my heart beat went crazy.
Wheein and Hyejin reached my house and said, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?" together. Hyejin looked pissed, but said, "I was making out with a VERY hot guy when Wheein called, this better be good, Jieun!" I sat them down and said, "I'm meeting Namjoon's parents tonight." After an excruciatingly long silence, Wheein said, "HOLY MOTHERFORKING SHIRTBALLS! WHEN?!" "In two hours," I replied, scrunching my face. "Oh this is gooood," Hyejin said, laughing. "I am FREAKING OUT and I have literally nothing to wear, WHEEIN, GIVE ME YOUR CLOTHES!" I said. "I'm gonna fix that," Hyejin said, picking up her phone.

She called someone, and said, "Okay Namjoon, hi!" Wait, what?! Namjoon?! I wasn't surprised she had his number, they had exchanged numbers some time back, because if Namjoon didn't know where I was, Hyejin and Wheein definitely did. But why was she calling HIM of all people?!

"So... your girlfriend here is having a wholeass mental breakdown over meeting your parents," she continued. She paused for him and said, "Oh yeah, she looks hilarious right now," she said and Wheein laughed. "Okay I don't like the fact that you are ganging up on me like this!" I said, whining.

Hyejin put the phone on speaker and Namjoon said, "Babe, calm down, it's just a dinner. Although it's a pretty formal event, it's okay. We'll just all have a nice conversation. Dont stress out." His words calmed me down by 1%. "Okay, so, what I need you to do," Hyejin said, "is go to a mall, and buy her a dress. Any dress you think will look good on her. Jieun will transfer the money to you right now." I was shocked. As ridiculous as Hyejin could be, this was actually a super nice idea. I quickly transfered the money to Namjoon and he said, "Whoa, I won't need that much!" "Just keep it, lover boy," Hyejin said.

~Roughly one hour later, 3:30pm~

Namjoon's POV:
I reached Jieun's house with the dress and rang the bell. Hyejin opened, and I was sad Jieun didn't. "Uh... where's Jieun?" I asked her. "Ooh impatient, I see... You, my friend, will not see her until she's ready. That's final, no bargains," she said, smirking. "Go and get ready, come by in another hour, that would be 4:30, so the perfect time to leave for your parents' house, don't you think?" she said. Not being able to argue, I said, "Fine..." Sulking, I walked to my car. Driving home.

After an hour, I impatiently drove to Jieun's house, eager to see her in the dress I picked out. It was an elegant, black dress, with a deep back and a slit that started at her thigh. She would look absolutely breathtaking. As I knocked on the door, expecting Wheein or Hyejin wanting to tease me more, I was prepared to argue with them to let me see my beautiful angel. But to my utmost delight, Jieun opened the door, looking 2000 times better than what I imagined.

"Oh... my... God..." I said. I simply forgot language. The words in my brain were messed up, and everything seemed to blur out except her. She looked... wow... I couldn't believe I was going to have her on my arm this evening and God, was my mom gonna love her. I smiled, and she said, "Shall we leave?" As if breaking me out of my trance, she snapped her fingers in front of my face and said, "You seem to have taken off into another world, I surely dont look that pretty." "YOU DO!" Her friends yelled from the background. "Angel, the word 'pretty' doesn't even begin to cover it," I said. "Thankyou," she said shyly. And then she smiled that gorgeous, billion-dollar smile, and I was a puddle.

We sat in the car and I drove to my parents' house. We neared the door, as she said, "If you come near me, you could probably hear my heartbeat." "I'm willing to test that theory," I smirked and put my hand on her waist as i pulled her closer and placed a long kiss on her lips. She smiled into the kiss and pushed me, and said, "Not now, Namjoon, we are literally in front of your parents'doorstep." Hugging her still, I said, "Let's go back, you're driving me crazy." She giggled and slapped my arm playfully. "I took a whole fucking hour to look like this, I'm not letting that go to waste," she said.
She rang the bell, and Seokjin answered, "Oh, we were waiting for you- Oh my god, Jieun! You look marvellous! Utterly breathtaking," he took a long look at Jieun.

I balled up my fists and said, "I came along too, my precious big bro," he smiled at me, unbothered. God, how I wish I could wipe of that smile off his pretty face. "Of course Namjoonie, this is your house too, but it's not everyday we have visitors," he said. "Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Seokjin. Again, honour to meet you, I really like your voice," Jieun said, ever so politely. I was happy at her choice of words, since she addressed him formally, and complimented his voice, since she knew I gave the music. She was so perfect in every way. "Please, Jieun, call me Seokjin. And it's always a plessure to host my little brother and his lovely, beautiful girlfriend. Welcome," Seokjin said. I felt my fists curl up. "I appreciate that sir, but I would prefer to address you formally. As of yet, we are still to know and understand each other, please don't mind," Jieun responded. I wanted to kiss her.

To my surprise, Seokjin smiled very wide, and said, "Of course, Jieun... Of course."


A/N : I'm not that great at writing filler chapters :p
Well, next chapter will be the meeting of parents! The story post this chapter starts focusing on Jieun.
So, do y'all like Jieun and Namjoon?

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