Chapter 24: "Why are you so supportive?!"

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~2 weeks later~

Author's POV:
Jieun and Namjoon were back to normal, and stronger than they had ever been. They had both taken breaks so that they can take it easy and focus on themselves and each other. It payed off. They were extremely happy with where they were together.

It was Wheein's birthday and Hyejin and Jieun decided to surprise her by showing up at her house. They opened the door with Hyejin's spare key since Jieun forgot hers.

Jieun's POV:
"SURPRISE!" we both yelled, but to my dismay-

"JUNGKOOK?!" I exclaimed. He was shirtless and very clearly making out with my best friend. Oh my God. My best friend and my brother. Oh my God. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed. Jungkook started dressing himself and Hyejin said with a smirk, "Happy birthday to Wheein, indeed!" I gave her a death glare and she shut up. "What the hell, you two?! Since when?!" I said, still screaming. "Uh... a month," Wheein said. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted. "Sorry sis, I knew you'd be weird about it, but be happy for us, she's remarkable and we're not messing around, I swear!" Jungkook said. That calmed me down a little. I took a while to process this.

"You guys, this is weird for me, I won't lie. But if it makes you happy then go for it but please don't make me the mediator between you two, Wheein, you know I hate it," I said. She was silent and looked at me guiltily. "Of course, but, you mean that? Are you really okay?" she said. "You guys are part of my inner circle. And no matter how much I want to deny it, you guys could actually be super cute together," I said with a small smile. I saw them looking at eachother with happy smiles. I felt nice seeing them like that. "Take care of each other," I said, feeling like a mom. They nodded.

We ended up having a nice time together. I called Namjoon and told him what I recently found out. He seemed shocked too but he told me to 'spill all the tea' once we met. God, he was the cutest.

I reached home and waited for Namjoon. He soon walked in and we spoke about everything. He told me how he was meeting J-hope a lot and everything was going pretty well for their music. He was sure they would come up with a very promising track for Seokjin, who was now Namjoon's closest friend. I felt proud of him for overcoming all their problems. He looked genuinely happy. I was happy that he was happy.

~2 weeks later~

Author's POV:
Unknown: "Hello, is this Ms. Jeon Jieun?"
Jieun: "This is she. Who am I talking to?"
Unknown: "This is Professor Park, your thesis guide, from Korea University. This is my new number. You recently submitted your PhD thesis for approval."

Jieun's heart started beating at lightspeed.

Jieun: "Yes, sir... Is there any news regarding that?"
Professor Park: "Ms. Jeon, you have really intrigued me with your thesis. I would want to speak with you. Soon, if that's okay with you."
Jieun: "Sure, sir. Should I drop by your office at 4pm today?"
Professor Park: "Yes, that would be great. Thankyou, Jieun."
Jieun: "Oh, sure sir, no issues at all."

Jieun's POV:
OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD. WHAT IF HE'S GOING TO REJECT IT?! I worked so hard on this! I really thought it was a new and fresh approach. I knew I should've stuck to a classic. Ugh, my stupid, extremely supportive boyfriend! Why couldn't he knock some sense into me and tell me I was being too ambitious?! I don't want to work another year in my PhD! I want to start working now! I want to open a clinic! Even the psychiatrist I am interning for likes me and said she would definitely hire me! That would be huge for my future, but I can't do that if I'm still stuck in my PhD. I should've gotten my thesis checked from my boss. She would've guided me!

I decide to call Namjoon.

NJ: "Hey, babe-"
Jieun: "Dont 'hey babe' me, Kim Namjoon! Ugh, why are you so supportive, you're literally the worst!"
NJ: "You were on speaker with J-Hope right now and I told him you're the sweetest person I know."
Jieun: "Hey Mr. J-Hope. Sorry, but I would just need Namjoon for a while. I'm gonna need to yell at him."
JH: "Sure, Ms. Jieun. Take your time. Just FYI, he's scared shitless right now. It's hilarious. I like you already. Not bad for a first impression, huh?"

I falsely chuckled a little.

NJ: "What's going on?"
Jieun: "Professor Park called about my thesis. He said it 'intrigued' him."
NJ: "Oh... no..."
Jieun: "Yeah, no shit! Ugh, I knew I was reaching for the stars. I shouldn't have chosen that topic. You could've told me! But you were the supportive and helpful and amazing jerk you always are! I wanna strangle you!
NJ: "Is it weird I'm taking this as a compliment?"
Jieun: "I'm serious, Namjoon. What if I need another year? You know how much I want to work."
NJ: "Just meet him and see what he wants to say. Maybe it could be a good kind of intriguing too. Don't jump to conclusions now. Go through with it and then reach an inference. And if it's not what you planned, that's okay. We can sit together and figure more stuff out. You're talented and patient, and you have the potential. Be as positive as you can. Channel positive thoughts. Okay?"
Jieun: "Okay... I'll call you soon. Thanks for that. I love you."
NJ: "I love you more, angel. Go get 'em."

We hung up and I smiled a little.


A/N : Whoop, Wheein and Jungkook :o

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