Chapter 19: "I wanna live with you."

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~1 week later~

Jieun's POV:
It was time to meet my parents this time, and thanks to our conversation a week ago, I was actually quite okay with all of it. I knew that it would all be okay because Namjoon was with me and together we could handle anything. Namjoon was absolutely freaking out, though. As he was pacing in front of me, I was looking at him as I sat on my bed. Trying extremely hard to control my laughter, I looked at him nervously biting his fingernails. I finally spoke, "Babe, don't be stressed. It's just a dinner. And you already know he'll not like you, and you can't take offence to that, because he doesn't like anyone! See! Silver lining!" "For someone who wants to be a psychologist, you really suck at assuring someone that it'll be okay! That was a fucked up way to calm me down! I'm much more stressed now! God, my butt is sweating. Dear Lord, why is this happening to me?!" Namjoon said. I couldn't control it anymore and laughed out very loud. Seeing my reaction, Namjoon started chuckling too. "Oh, that's funny? You find that funny?" he said and pounced on the bed and started tickling me till I couldn't breathe with all the laughter. "Your smile makes things okay somehow. Sorceress," he said. "It's gonna be okay, Namjoon. Let's put on our best faces and prepare for the worst. Jungkook is good friends with you, he's gonna put in a good word," I said. That did seem to calm him down a little bit. "I'll tell you what. Let me pick out a nice, casual outfit for you, just like you picked a dress out for me when we visited your parents. And we'll handle it all. Hand in hand. Yeah? How does that sound?" I said. "Perfect," Namjoon said and we shared a short kiss.

Just then, Jungkook called. "Hey sis, so just wanna tell you that dad is pretty much bringing his A-game today. Tell Namjoon to try to not be intimidated. I'm giving you tips so just remember them. If you were thinking casual suit, chuck that. Both me and dad are wearing two-piece suits with ties. He wanted to tell Namjoon how he couldn't dress for the occasion." I sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll buy a two-piece suit," I said. "Mom is wearing a super expensive outfit. So you wear your most expensive outfit, or rent one for the night or something. Just try to not wear old clothes, mom will point it out immediately," he continued. I told him I understood. "And lastly, do NOT come late. Better 5 mins early than even 10 seconds late. Seriously," he said. "Yeah, that wont be a problem," I smiled at Namjoon and intertwined our hands, only for him to kiss it softly. "Okay then Jungkook, thanks for all that. I'll see you," I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I turned to Namjoon and told him what Jungkook and I spoke about. I knew he was tensed, but he looked calm and I knew that was because he didn't want me to freak out. I loved him so much.

~2 hours later~

Jieun's POV:
I rented a really amazing red dress for the evening, the actual price costing a little more than my rent. The renting price, fortunately, was a lot lower. Namjoon had transferred me a lot of money and said he wanted to keep the suit and not rent it. I didn't argue. I picked out a gorgeous suit that would look perfect on him. A red tie to match my dress and an all-black suit. Thinking about him in this outfit made me crazy. I payed for the suit and reached home. Namjoon still pacing around. I gave him the suit and he thanked me. He went to his house to get ready and I called Hyejin and Wheein over to help me out as quickly as they can. The dress was not complicated at all, so it wouldn't take me more than 30 minutes to get ready. So we all utilized the time to talk about everything that's going on. Not only with me, but with them too. We had a really awesome conversation. I felt a lot lighter after talking to them. Soon, they helped me get ready. I actually looked really gorgeous and thanked them.

Soon, Namjoon knocked. Hyejin opened and they were all comfortable with each other by now. "Really?! Hyejin, it's not funny anymore! You keep me from her all the time when you are home, I want to see her!" he whined. I giggled and came in front of him. "Oh my dear... Wow..." he said. Hyejin said, "See, you whine when we don't let her meet you, but you can never handle it." Wheein chuckled. But all I could focus on was him. He looked much better than I thought he would. The suit complemented all his features and fit him so well. Words were getting messed up in my brain and all I could utter was, "Look... so... you amazing suit... in that." Namjoon looked at me and said, "You look amazing in that dress too, even after you just spoke to me in alien language." I held eye contact with him for a while and Hyejin said, "Okay y'all cute, but I think I'm gonna throw up. Move it along! And use protection!" She yelled the last part. Wheein laughed loud.

We soon reached my house and Namjoon widened his eyes. "I dont think I've ever seen a place this huge," he said. We entered the house, the workers recognising me immediately, and greeting me with a smile on their faces. Jungkook was the first to greet us. "Ooh, you guys look cool!" he said. We sat in the living room and Namjoon still seemed overwhelmed by the size of the house. Both Jungkook and I giggled at his state.

Soon, both mom and dad entered. Namjoon wiped his sweaty palms on the fabric of the couch and turned to shake their hands. They said their salutations and we engaged in small talk for a while. Then, dad invited us to the dinner table and started the talk. "So... You're Kim Seokjin's music producer, is that correct?" he said. Namjoon nodded with a smile. He had managed to compose his nerves, and if not, he did a great job at hiding it. "You must have a ton of money, then. He's pretty successful," dad said.

Here we go.

"I'm comfortable, sir," Namjoon replied. "That's great news for Jieun here. Considering she has close to nothing in her bank account," dad said. I gritted my teeth and balled my fists but I felt Namjoon's hand covering mine. "Actually, sir, she's doing so well for herself. She saves a lot more than she spends. The cafe is doing so well, even I sometimes don't get a place to sit," Namjoon said with a giggle. Jungkook seemed pleased with his answer. "Good for you, big sister," he said. I smiled. "Yes, but she chooses that kind of a lifestyle when she could stay here, in this huge house earning 5-6 times of what she does now," dad said. I was so angry. Couldn't he let this go for one day?!

"With all due respect, sir, I would very easily get lost in this house. It's too huge! And speaking of the house, you have kept it so well. I'm sure it takes a lot of effort," Namjoon said. I wanted to kiss him. They all fell silent. Namjoon and I shared a look and he smiled at me as if he's saying that it's all good. Jungkook and Namjoon engaged in a little talk of their own, as my mother and I had a small talk. She just asked me about my plans and where I'll be doing my PhD. She also asked me about the cafe. I was happy after the talk since she never spoke about dad or money. "I see you know Jungkook. He's going to take over the company after me," dad said with a lot of pride. Although I denied it, I wanted that kind of pride in his voice when he spoke about me. But that was never going to happen. "Yes, sir, I am aware. Congratulations, Jungkook. You deserve it," Namjoon said with a smile. My brother thanked him. The whole dinner continued with talks here and there about Namjoon and me.

"At least you've found a good man, Jieun," dad said. That was the last straw. I curled up my fists again. Namjoon's calming touch couldn't stop me this time. "That's it. I've had enough, dad. Why can't you be happy for me like a normal parent?! Did you even bother to ask how my studies were going?! Or if I was happy?! All you care about is if I'm dating a rich enough man and you couldn't speak one word to me all evening?! Is that all our relation means to you?! My boyfriend here tells me I should give you a chance, and not be mad at you. How do I do that when you've dropped our relation to such lows!? I don't want your money, dad. All I want is for you to hug me and accept my choices. I want us to be how we were before. I just want you to speak of me with pride and joy. But then again, when have I learned how to see the right dreams? Thank you for a lovely dinner. Although our conversation wasn't desirable, I take it that you all accept Namjoon and like him. He makes me very happy and I love him with my whole heart. We'll be leaving now. Bye dad, bye mom. I really did enjoy our talk today, mom. If you want to, we can catch up some time later. Bye Jungkook, we'll talk soon," I said. I took Namjoon's hand, he quickly said goodbye and left with me.

As we reached his car, I broke into tears, "I just want him to be happy about me. I just want to see him talk to me like he used to. And I'm sorry I lost it. I know we spoke about being calm and talking properly. I couldn't take it, I'm so sorry, Namjoon." "Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Jieun, look at me. What you did there? That takes courage. So, if anything, I'm very proud of you. Standing up for yourself takes guts, angel. And you did it with elegance. Well, elegance mixed with rage, but beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder," he said. It made me giggle. "I don't deserve you, Kim Namjoon," I said, looking in his beautiful eyes. After we shared a long, passionate kiss, he took a long pause and looked straight into my eyes. "I wanna live with you," he said. "Are you asking me to move in?" I said, my eyes widening. "We're together all the time anyways. So...? What do you say? Do me the honour of living with me?" he said. "Mmh... Only if you get my coffee order right," I said. We both burst into a fit of laughter. All in all? A fruitful day, if you ask me...

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