Chapter 4: "What if we're BOTH serial killers...?"

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Author's POV:
After completing all her classes for the day, bidding her goodbyes to her classmates, Jieun headed home. Driving back, her mind wandered off to Namjoon and his smiling face when he thought he got the order right. 'Would i ever get a chance to tell him he didn't get the right order' she thought, chuckling inwardly. When she reached her doorstep, she got a call. Suspecting it's Namjoon, she answered.

Jieun: "Hello?"
NJ: "Jieun?"
Jieun: "Yes, speaking... Who is this?"
NJ: "Oh wow, it's really you. I had a slight doubt that you gave me an incorrect number. It's Namjoon. Hi."

Her heart skipping a beat at the call. She entered her apartment.

Jieun: "I must admit, Namjoon. I didn't think you would call this early."
Nj: "Yeah, being a macho man was not part of the plan anyways."

She giggled. Namjoon felt his heart warm up to the sound of her giggles.

NJ: "I won't waste your time and I'll come straight to the point. I want to take you out, show you a nice time."

Cringing at his choice of words, mentally slapping himself for forgetting all the lines he practiced in front of the mirror, at least 10 times before making this call.

Jieun: "Why do i feel this was not what you wanted to say and you're cringing right now?"
NJ: "Oh God, I'm glad you heard it too. Yes, i was cringing. But okay let me try again. Jieun, you seem nice, i actually had a surprisingly nice time, considering i was reading a romcom."
Jieun: "I'm surprised you speak with such ease while asking out a total stranger. What's with the courage?"
NJ: "Believe me, it is not easy. I think it's the supplements I'm taking. They simply dont allow me to filter my words. I seem stupid, don't I?"

Preparing for the worst, Namjoon shut his eyes, ready for a long speech about, 'That is EXACTLY what fuckboys say'.

Jieun: "Oh no, it's pretty obvious you don't do this a lot, but i meant, for all you know i could be a serial killer."

Namjoon laughed loud at her words. She really was something else.

NJ: "I see you talk to me with ease too. For all you know, what if we're BOTH serial killers...?"

Now it was Jieun's turn to laugh, she was glad there was someone who could not only appreciate her cynical humour, but also play along. They both burst into laughter.

NJ: "But on a serious note, can i take you out some time? Perhaps... tomorrow?"
Jieun: "Yes, we can go out. Let's meet at the cafe? We can go to any place of your choice. Except, of course, an abandoned street. That would just make my job much easier."

Namjoon's laughs felt like a song.

NJ: "Noted. Can i pick you up at 5?"
Jieun: "Its a date."

Hanging up, they both fell down on their mattresses, letting its warmth surround them. Jieun was excited that she was going on a date with a handsome man, and she actually looked forward to it. Meanwhile Namjoon just couldn't stop smiling, never thinking he could be able to meet someone he would find intriguing, again...

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