Chapter 16: "This is Jieun's boyfriend."

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~1 year later~

Jieun's POV:
I was completing my master's degree in a month. I was so excited. I had already received an acceptance letter from a very good university to complete my PhD, so I was not too worried. My exam scores were pretty good, and I was doing pretty well for myself. Namjoon actually helped me a lot when I had tough times due to stress when my exams neared. He always stood by me, supporting me in whatever I needed. I was in constant touch with Jungkook, and astonishingly, Namjoon's mother, Jangmi. She was such a sweet person, and I really enjoyed talking to her. To my surprise, Seokjin had contacted me a lot of times. He even helped me with my cafe, since he often came by to pick up some cupcakes or muffins. Seeing paparazzi pictures on the internet about him visiting a tiny little cafe, my sales really shot up. I did inform Namjoon whenever he came by, but as time passed, he seemed less bothered. Namjoon and I were stronger than ever.

My university had arranged for a huge ceremony, where students received their degrees. Family members and close friends were invited. I had naturally invited Namjoon, thinking my parents won't bother coming. Namjoon didn't think twice before accepting. He was really the sweetest. In a month, I would not only be receiving my master's degree, but Namjoon and I would celebrate our two year anniversary. I was looking forward to the day.

~1 month later~

Jieun's POV:
Namjoon came to pick me up so that we could go together. He arrived at my doorstep, as usual, 20 minutes earlier than we decided, but I never complained. "Hello, my lovely master's graduate! How do you feel?" He asked, a cheerful smile tugging his lips. "Mmh, should I be worried that the first words coming out of your mouth weren't 'Happy two years babe!'?" I teased. "Gosh! I was so excited you'll be a master's graduate now, that I completely forgot about it!" Namjoon said. "I could be the type of girlfriend that whines about you being forgetful, you know?" I replied, fake pouting. He kissed my lips lightly, and whispered in my ear, "But you're not because you're the best. Happy two years babe." I smiled and we hugged each other. "C'mon my future psychologist, allow me to give you a ride to make you reach closer to your dreams," he said. I chuckled.

We reached my college and I told Namjoon to take a seat. As I was leaving, I gave him a quick peck and turned around, but I heard someone calling my name. "JIEUN!" I turned around to see Jungkook smiling, holding a bouquet. "Oh, my lovely big sister! Congratulations on completing your master's! I could never understand your obsession for studies, but I'm still happy for your nerdy ass!" He said. "Charming, as always, little brother. Will I ever be lucky enough to expect sincere, genuine words coming out of your mouth?" I said. Namjoon giggled at my words. "Never," Jungkook said, giving me a peck on the cheek and a tight hug.

Namjoon and Jungkook grew quite close over the past year. Sharing a quick hug, they greeted each other. But soon, my smile dropped. I saw the people I never thought would be there. Jungkook noticed my expression and said, "It was my idea to let them come. Besides, they can meet Namjoon now." "Jungkook, I haven't told them about him," I said. Namjoon was confused, and said, "What's going on? What am I missing?" "You see them?" Jungkook said, pointing to a man and a woman. "Those are our parents." "Oh my god, quick! Jieun! Do I look presentable enough?!" Namjoon panicked. Despite my tense state of mind, I chuckled. "Jieun, you haven't told them about me?" Namjoon said, looking hurt. "It's complicated, Namjoon," I responded. "It's okay, baby. I'm sure you had your reasons," he reassured me, but I saw his disappointed expression. I was so happy to have him. It was so easy to lose his cool, but he kept himself composed. I was more than grateful.

"Hello, Jieun," dad said. "Hi, dad. Hey, mom," I responded. "And who are you, young man?" dad asked Namjoon. "This is Jieun's boyfriend," Jungkook said. I gave him a death glare, but he just whispered to me that I needed to tell them soon. I couldn't disagree. Namjoon and my father shook hands and said their salutations. Soon, Namjoon got a call. He showed me his phone screen, and I saw his mom calling. We both smiled at each other and he whispered that it would probably be to congratulate me about my degree. Namjoon excused himself and there was tension in the atmosphere.

Jungkook broke the awkward silence and said, "Hey, I've invited my girlfriend, is that okay?" "Girlfriend? I thought you were single since a long time after your previous relationship dissolved because she moved away..." I asked Jungkook. "Oh yeah, no she's different. Wait till you meet her, sis, she's remarkable," Jungkook said. His eyes showing that he was fond of her.

"Oh sorry I'm late, Jungkook, there was a lot of traffi-" a beautiful girl came running towards us. She wore a very elegant outfit and she looked very pretty. I was about to introduce myself to her until she interjected, "And who might you be?" pointing towards me.

Wow, she was mean.

"Hi, you must be Jungkook's girlfriend, I'm Jieun, his sister," I said. Her expression was immediately apologetic. I saw my parents completely unimpressed by her presence. Seems like they didn't like her. Soon, Namjoon came back after attending his call, and looked up at me, but suddenly froze. I followed his gaze and saw that it landed on Jungkook's girlfriend. "Namjoon?" she said.

Wait they know each other?

"Alicia?" Namjoon said.

Wait, Alicia as in, his ex girlfriend Alicia?

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