Chapter 75: Love after Love...

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~2 years later~

Author's POV:
"Sungho! C'mon! Dad's gonna be on TV, don't you wanna watch it?" Jieun yelled from the living room. A playful Sungho skipped out from his room and said, "Don't start without me, I wanna watch dad on TV!" Jieun giggled. "Dad will be home soon, let's watch," she said.

The mother-son duo sat in front of the television and an interview of Jimin aired. "That's dad!" Sungjun said. "It is! He looks so handsome, doesn't he?" Jieun said. "He always does," Sungho bragged. "Can't argue," Jieun said.

The interviewer and Jimin spoke for a while and he addressed how long Jimin took to release his new book. "Well, writing this one wasn't easy for me. But it finished pretty quickly after the right inspiration struck," Jimin said. "And what inspiration would that be?" the interviewer asked. "My family. My beautiful wife and son, whose birthday is soon. And, of course, my students," Jimin said. Jieun's heart warmed up with his words. "For those of you watching that don't know, Mr. Park Jimin is a Literature teacher at the prestigious 'Joongdong High School'... Mr. Park, you've never officially confirmed whether or not 'Love after Love...' is a true story. But a lot of your fans think it's the story of you and your wife. Can you say anything about that?" the interviewer said.

The couple recently told their child that 'Love after Love...' was their story. He had not read it yet, but he was told to keep it a secret. Jieun and Sungho exchanged an 'I-know' look and smiled.

"No comment," Jimin said with a laugh. The interviewer laughed with him. "Considering that it is a true story, is 'Love Changes' also one?" the interviewer asked. "No. 'Love Changes' is a tragedy. And my wife and I have a story that's a lot of things, but it's not a tragedy. I'm a better human because of her, and we depend on eachother for personal growth. We choose each other," Jimin replied. "Ah, a nice reference to your story," the interviewer said, making Jimin smile. "Well, we sincerely hope that Love Changes becomes an even bigger hit than your previous book..." the interviewer started but for Jieun, that was all she heard.

The doorbell rang, making Sungho rush to open, knowing it's his dad. "You were on TV!" the almost-9-year-old said. "Aww, no, I missed it," Jimin said, fake pouting. "Nice try, Park. We all know you missed it on purpose," Jieun said, greeting Jimin with a loving kiss. "It's just cringe-y to watch myself," he said. "Of course," she replied, earning a laugh.

Soon, Sungho rushed to his room to show the couple a drawing he made in school. He had recently discovered he loved art and painting. He showed a painting that was genuinely brilliant for a nine-year-old and the couple acknowledged it.

"You're an artist, sweetie! Just like your father..." Jieun said, making Jimin wrap his arms around her waist and plunging his head in her hair, planting a kiss on her neck. "Thanks, baby," he said in her ear, making Jieun's heart flutter.

"Buddy, why don't you show me your other drawings?" Jimin said. Sungho pulled Jimin into his room. Jimin awed at his son's talent. "You really are an artist, son," he said. "Thanks, dad," Sungho replied, "Hey? You know the book's going to be really good, right?" Jimin giggled and replied, "You think so?" "I know so. Dad, I really look up to you. I want to be like you when I grow up," he said.

His father feeling pride at his words. Jimin said, "Sungho... I need you to be better than me. I need you to be your own person. I promise, your mother and I will be there for you always. We may make mistakes sometimes, but we love you very much. Sometimes, we can take decisions that you'd not like a lot, but that is no reason for you to not be grateful, especially to your mother. I promise to make you a better person than I ever was. And you're already on the right track. You have your mother to thank for that." "I love you guys," Sungho replied engulfing his father in a hug.

"Hey, not without me!" Jieun said, aweing at her two most favourite people. "Get in here, you dork!" Jimin said. The family hugged. Jimin and Jieun exchanged comprehensive looks, which conveyed just how much they loved each other. Sungho returned to painting some more and the couple left him on his own.

The two were cooking dinner together, when Jieun said, "Hey? You know I'm proud of you, right?" "Hmm, you might have to kiss me to remind me," Jimin said, smirking. "Such a flirt, after all these years," she said, blushing, but she'll never show. "Only for you," Jimin replied, snuggling into her, hugging her from behind. He kissed her shoulder, making her turn around. "No, but, seriously, I'm very very very very proud of you," she said. "Thanks, love," he said. "I don't mind reminding you, though," she said, smirking. She knew he'd always flirt, but he'd never be able to handle her doing the same. So he blushed wildly and dove right into her pillowy lips. She laughed into the kiss but reciprocated almost immediately. The two locked their lips passionately, her tongue lapping his bottom lip and his fighting for dominance, which he soon got. He moved onto her neck but the bell rang, interrupting the two.

"This better be the President of the country," Jimin said, making Jieun laugh. "It's our precious friends, who you invited for the celebration of your book release," she said. "I can always tell them to fuck off and come later, they would understand," he said. Jieun gave him a side eye and pushed him out of her way slightly to go attend the door. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his body, and gave her a small kiss. "We'll continue, Park," he said, making her blush, which she couldn't hide this time.

Jimin opened the door to find his best friends, his wife's best friends, and their kids. Jungkook, who was now a brilliant stay at home dad for his son, Hangyeol and his baby daughter, Hani, came with his wife Wheein who continued to be an interior designer. The two had become excellent examples of a beautiful and progressive family. Taehyung, now a successful singer, just finished his world tour, was here with his gorgeous wife, Hyejin, who had sold her fashion company - for a lot of money - and been at home with their daughter. The two had some tough times with him being on tour and everything, but they made it work. The kids were best friends and they all had so much fun together.

The group celebrated Jimin for the whole day. They had learned to savour their time together since they were all thriving in their careers, so hardly got any time off for a group hangout. But whenever they met, they picked up where they left off last time. It was midnight before any of them knew it, and they all had to go to their own homes. They all bid reluctant goodbyes.

That night, as the couple tucked Sungho in, they both looked over towards their angelic son. He hooked his arm around her shoulder. She grabbed his arm and kissed it. "Hey... You know how when we're growing up we think our parents are soulmates, but somewhere along the way, we stop believing that?" Jieun said. Jimin hummed. She continued, "Our son's going to believe it, too." He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "He will... I love you, Park Jieun. Forever," he said. "I love you more, Park Jimin. I'd love you again and again and again, every single time and in every single universe," she replied, making Jimin rest his head on hers after making sure he gave her a kiss.

And that's what is was. Love...

Jimin and Jieun were in love now, and they will love each other even when they're in their last moments. They'd love eachother even after they've changed their definitions of love. They would love even after they had reason to believe otherwise. They would love even after they'd lose everything but themselves. They would love even after they'd both changed entirely.

They would Love After Love...

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