Chapter 2: "One Caramel Frappuccino, please."

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Namjoon's POV:
She had literally the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. And her eyes, GOD, her beautiful brown eyes. Her perfect features were so overwhelming I could feel words getting stuck halfway in my mouth. I could never get tired of looking at her. She was beautiful. "So do you own this cafe, and are you a baker by profession?" I asked, eagerly wanting to know everything about her. "Yes, i do own this cafe, but I am studying to become a psychologist. This is a side business since I enjoy baking and it brings in some extra money... who doesn't want that!" I chuckled at her words. "And you?" she asked me. "I am a music producer," I replied. She seemed impressed. "Would I know any of your work?" she asked me. "Well, uhh do you know Kim Seokjin?" She nodded enthusiastically, "Oh wow, he has such a beautiful voice! His songs are wonderful! Shut the front door! Oh my god, are you his producer?! Are you RM?!" I nodded, giggling. "Wow, you are seriously talented, Mr. Namjoon! I'm a fan! Accept a muffin on the house! Please, I insist!" I smiled at her and nodded, accepting the delicious muffin. We looked at eachother for what felt like eternity, until she broke the silence saying, "You have a beautiful smile, Mr. Namjoon." I felt my face flush at her words and I was so flustered I couldn't even get myself to give her the compliment back. God, was she breathtaking. I just sat and smiled like a fool, mentally cursing at myself for acting so foolishly. "I don't want to sound forward, but allow me to take you out some time," I said, astonished at the ease with which i just asked out a complete stranger. A complete, utterly gorgeous, drop-dead beautiful stranger. Namjoon, get yourself together! You just acted like a complete freak! She's gonna slap you. I prepared for the worst, as I saw her shocked expression. She quickly composed herself, and said, "I'll tell you what, Mr. Namjoon. If you can guess my coffee order, I'll give you my number."

I broke into the widest smile hearing her response. She was something else. She smiled at my reaction and said, "I think you would get it right, considering we were just reading the same book, you know." I laughed and said, "Okay, challenge accepted."

I walked over to the place where I could give the order, tensed up since I so wanted to get this right. I thought for a good 5 minutes, and said, "One Caramel Frappuccino, please."

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