Chapter 8: "So... Girlfriend."

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~Another month later~

Author's POV:
Namjoon and Jieun sat on Jieun's couch, with her on his lap, just talking about each other's day. A question had been bothering Jieun since a few days, and that was if they should put a label on their relation. Namjoon hadn't thought in this direction before, but he knew he really liked her and wanted to spend a lot of time with her. Breaking a short spell of silence, Jieun said, "Hey... what are we?" "What do you mean?" a confused Namjoon responded. "Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we just doing this casually? Are you seeing other people? If someone asks you out will you say yes?" "Woah woah woah calm down," Namjoon said, smiling that she saw him in a this light. "Well, i really like you. I want to spend time with you. We have made out... couple of times... I do see you in a romantic light... I say I want to be your boyfriend, if you would want the same..." Namjoon said.

Jieun slightly lifted herself up from his chest and looked at his face. She saw a genuine smile and innocent eyes. "I really like you, too. And, I would like that..." she said with a smile, kissing him square on the lips and hugging him tight as he played with her hair. "So... girlfriend," Namjoon stressed, making Jieun giggle. "Yes, babe?" Jieun stressed, making him chuckle too. "I like that, keep calling me that. It's pretty when you say it." She blushed.

Namjoon nudged her shoulder, making her look up at him. After taking a long look at her, he inched closer to her, both their heart beats increasing by the second. As they kissed, Namjoon's hands roamed her back, and she pulled him closer by the neck. Namjoon smirked into the kiss, and moved his hands lower. Jieun broke the kiss and Namjoon seemed to panic a little. "Oh I'm so sorry Jieun, it seemed like the moment to make the move, but I'm completely okay if you want to wait," Namjoon said. Jieun's heart warmed at his words, as she looked at the sheer adoration in his eyes. "I was just taken aback," she replied. "Yes, that's completely acceptable, of course you didn't see that coming. I just thought we were hanging out since a little over 2 months and we finally made things official, so it just felt like the right time," Namjoon said.
Jieun kissed him passionately, and said, "You are someone I respect and like, a lot. I appreciate that you came clean about what you felt in the moment. And I'm ready for it." Namjoon's eyes widened, but he soon broke into a wide smile and kissed her. "Just tell me to stop at any time, and I will. Okay?" he said. "Okay," she replied.

After they were done, they both lay next to each other, panting. "You have no idea how difficult it is to resist you," Namjoon said. "Is it?" Jieun asked, smirking. Namjoon nodded. "That was amazing, though... You're pretty good at that," Namjoon said, reminding Jieun of the time she said the same when they first kissed. They both giggled at the memory, and slowly drifted off into dreamland in each other's arms.

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