Chapter 63: "Well, I'm gonna try."

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~2 weeks later~

Author's POV:
Over two weeks, due to Jimin's speech and award, his sales were sky high. His agent had started pestering him about releasing a new book very soon so that he'd release something new when the cheers were loud.

But there was something he'd much rather do first. He had the perfect proposal planned. It took effort and planning, but he had nailed it. He had let Jungkook and Taehyung in on how he was gonna do it. They just didn't know when.

Well, today.

He informed Jieun a week ago that they'd be going for dinner today. She was excited as they'd always plan home dates and this was a refreshing change from normal.

Just then, interrupting Jimin's 2 billionth proposal rehearsal, Taehyung called.

JM: "Hey, bud."
TH: "You wanna tell me why J-Hope just cancelled my schedule for today? You know I wanna impress him, dude. I'm still not as huge as I wanna be and this new song could really get me up there. He told me he spoke to you.
JM: "First off, you're a rockstar, what are talking about?! And secondly, sorry, that has to be my doing. I wanna be able to book you before you're too huge to do me simple favours."
TH: "The fuck you talking about?"
JM: "I called J-Hope to let you off early for today. I need to borrow you for something very important. I told him what it was for, and he was happy to let you off early for the day."
TH: "Again, the fuck you talking about?"
JM: "I'm proposing to Jieun tonight, dipshit."
TH: "No fucking way! You finally had the balls to do it. I was starting to think y'all would just die unmarried."
JM: "Hurtful."
TH: Okay, pissy pants, see you at 9 pm."
JM: "Dont be late or I'll slit your throat!"
TH: "Mkay, byie!"

~At 8pm~

Author's POV:
Jieun wore a lovely purple dress for the evening and Jimin wore a brilliant casual suit. They both looked stunning. Not forgetting to compliment her too many times, he drove the both of them to Jungkook's restaurant. One that previously used to be Jieun's. It was now a real 5 star place. Jungkook had really turned the place around.

"Wow, it's been ages since I last came here! The place looks so posh!" Jieun exclaimed. "I know, Jungkook did wonders!" Jimin said. They sat on their reserved table, engaging in basic talk over whatever had happened during the week.

"Oh, hey, did I tell you Beomgyu got his doctorate?" she said. "No way! So great! Happy for him," Jimin said. "Yeah... he was saying he wanted to open a clinic with me... Like, he could handle child psychology and I'd be the clinical psychologist. It would extend our clinic to a much broader perspective, and we'd have more clients," she said. "That's a great idea. What's the problem?" he asked. "I don't know how good he is as a therapist. I mean, I know he was a brilliant assistant, and his thesis was mind blowing, he's great with kids. But still, therapy is different, you know?" she said. "Well, I'm sure you can come up with something to, I dont know, test him and see if he's ready, or something," he said, taking her hand in his and rubbing his thumb over it, sipping his red wine for calming his nerves a little, and Jieun just enjoying her peach iced tea, still as marvelled as the first time she tried it.

They soon ordered the food, Jimin's eyes nearly popping out seeing the prices. He was saving up for a house, he can't spend so much on this meal!

"How fucking expensive is this place!" Jieun said, before Jimin could say anything. "I was just thinking of the same thing!" Jimin said. "Let's call Jungkook and see if he can get us a discount," Jieun said. "Great idea!" Jimin agreed.

Jieun: "Hey, little brother, who I love and cherish and adore so much!"
JK: "What do you want?"
Jieun: "Why would you assume I want something? Just tryna tell you what a great brother you are!"
JK: "Not buying it, save us both some time."
Jieun: "Fine. Jimin and I were at your restaurant, and noticed how ridiculously high the prices were. We wondered if you could get us a discount."
JK: "Nope."
Jieun: "What?! Why?! I'm your sibling!"
JK: "You should pay twice the amount then!
Jieun: "I take back the loving and cherishing and adoring I did 30 seconds back. You're a hoe, I hate you."
JK: "Buh-bye!"

And he hung up.

"No luck?" Jimin said. "Nasty little shit didn't budge," Jieun said. "Lemme try," he said. "What are you gonna tell him that I couldn't?" she asked. "Uhh... Just, you know... best friend stuff. I have serious bribes to extort anything from him," he said, proud of himself for cooking up a lie like that. "Brilliant, Park. Brilliant," Jieun said.

He walked a little further from their table and dialed Jungkook.

JK: "Not reducing the price, Park!"
JM: "C'mon, man! You know I'm saving up for a house! Help me out here! This is seriously expensive!"
JK: "A three hat chef is cooking for you, Jimin. What do you expect?"
JM: "Jungkook, this is too much, man. Also, I've already spent so much money on finding the ring, booking this fucking reservation, hiring the band that will play with Taehyung. I'm doing it tonight, bro."
JK: "I'm sure that's good for you, Jimin, but I'm not sure I'm okay with knowing about you having sex with my sister. It's very gross for me."
JM: "No, you little shit!"
JK: "Says the person little-er than me!"
JM: "That's not a real word and it hurts that I, a writer, have friends who say such shit! Besides, I'm asking her to marry me today!"
JK: "Ooh... Woah..."
JM: "Yeah! Now, will you help me out?"
JK: "Nope! Congratulations, though, I love y'all!"

And he hung up.

'Well, guess I'm gonna drain my bank account and wait for my next release to buy the house,' thought Jimin.

He returned to their table with a dejected look. "It's alright, we'll dutch the bill," Jieun said with a laugh.

They had their meal, and as 9 pm inched closer, he grew more and more nervous.

The clock struck 9 pm and Jimin started, "So... don't know if you remember, but this is where we first met." "Of course I remember. You were the persistent bugger who wouldn't take the hint," she said, earning a laugh. "Well, I knew I had something to wait for," he said, grabbing her hand. "Then? How could you possibly know then?" she asked. "You were still the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. Even then," he replied, making her blush furiously.

The live music suddenly stopped and made Jieun look at the band, which was now replaced by a pianist, guitarist and a drummer, who Jimin hired for the night, along with Taehyung who just smiled at the couple. "Oh, my God! Hey, Taehyung!" she said. And he started singing 'The way you look tonight'.
"Oh!" Jieun exclaimed and looked at Jimin. He only looked at her and all his nervousness and angst about proposing to her disappeared.

She enjoyed the song in taehyungs beautiful voice and said, "I know we're both not a fan of the word, but this moment is perfect. Impossible to improve on a moment like this." Her attention still on the band.

Jimin went on his knees, pulled out the ring, and said, "Well, I'm gonna try."


A/N : Okay, but 'The Way You Look Tonight' in Taehyung's voice would sound like auditory gold.
Also, the big proposal! Did you like Jimin's plan for proposing to Jieun?

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