Chapter 51: I was going to trust Dr. Jeon Jieun.

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~1 week later~

Jimin's POV:
I woke up to find my lovely girlfriend all cooped up in a blanket next to me. She looked adorable. I left the bed and heard a small whine from Jieun but she was still asleep. I decided to make us breakfast. We had the most incredible weekend and I was childishly upset about Monday. I entered the kitchen and made us breakfast.

I entered our room to still find her sleeping like a log. "JEON JIEUN! WAKE UP!" I yelled. "What what what happened?! Who died?!" she woke up all frantic. I laughed. "No one died. I just made you breakfast," I said. "Ugh, I hate you," she said. "Do you, though? Eggs and bacon. And of course, your lovely boyfriend," I said cockily. "You were doing so well until bacon" she said. We both broke into a laugh.

"What's so special? Breakfast in bed, à la Jimin?" she said. "Nothing special. Just felt like the perfect end to a perfect weekend," I replied. She smiled, taking a bit of the scrambled eggs. "I know... the weekend really was amazing," she said. "Why wouldn't it be? We literally only did three things. We ate great food, we watched great movies and we had great sex... Earth-shatteringly great sex, my God," I said, earning a hearty laugh from her.

What I wouldn't do for that laugh. That laugh held the power to make me forget all my worries.

"And isn't that just the dream?" she said, and it was my turn to laugh this time. She ate her breakfast, feeding half of it to me from time to time. I just kept looking at her with fond eyes, until she broke the silence, "What are you looking at?" she said. "You," I said. "It's too early to be romantic, Chim," she said, teasingly.

My heart flipped at the nickname. Just the way it always did. It had been much more than a year since we began our relationship, but I knew she'd always have this power over me. She knew it too.

"Why, does it make you want to devour me whole early in the morning?" I said, smirking.

She became flustered but she knew how to hide it. But I'd always know.

"I think I've done enough 'devouring' for the month over the last two days. I'll pass," she said. "I bet you won't," I said, moving closer to her. Her cheeks started heating up, but she pushed me slightly, saying, "I have work today, I'm gonna take a shower."

She fought back a smile and bit her lip. It drove me crazy.

"Let's," I said. "Jimiiiin," she whined. I laughed, "Okay, alright, fine. Good luck at work today," I said. She smiled and said, "You, too. I know you'll continue your book. Remember what we spoke about, all you need is a fresh mindset. You're a brilliant and capable writer. I have a ton of faith in you and everything you write about. Okay?" I smiled at her words. She would always be my biggest cheerleader. "Thanks, love," I said, kissing her lips. She deepened the kiss and we parted a while later. We looked at each other with smiles. I kissed her nose and she scrunched up her nose like a little baby. That was so cute, it made my heart explode.

She'd never done that. But right, I never kissed her nose. It was always her lips, neck or cheeks. She was the one that would kiss my nose. I kissed her nose again and she did the same thing. "It's just involuntarily!" she said, laughing. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" I said. "Mhmm," she said.

She got ready and left for work, giving me a short kiss before she left. I knew I'd have a productive day today.

Fresh mindset? Tick!

~3 hours later, at work~

Jieun's POV:
I was dreading Yoongi's appointment the whole day. I was pretty sure he won't come. I had an hour-long break and I came out of my cabin to find Jung Hoseok. What was he doing here? Our session wasn't until two hours later.

He stook up once he saw me and said, "Do you have a little time?" I nodded and motioned him to come inside my cabin. We both took a seat. "What is this about?" I asked. "Yoongi isn't telling me about your sessions. The last one ended very early and he's been distracted ever since. I don't understand what's going on and it's scaring me. What was it you spoke about?" he said. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that," I said. He clicked his tongue in irritation. "Doctor, I don't think you understand that this is serious for me. Please tell me what you spoke about," he said. "No, sir. That is between me and my client and if he has chosen to not tell you, there must be some reason behind it. I understand this is serious to you, but it is to me as well. His case matters to me," I replied.

"Has he even told you anything?" he asked. I was silent. "Just what I thought," he replied. "I'll tell you everything, then," he said. My eyes widened. "Excuse me?" I said. "Yeah. It'll help your case, right?" he said. "Mr. Hoseok. I'm sure you are very concerned for your friend. You mean a lot to him as well. And as tempting as your offer sounds, I will not be accepting it. If I reach a breakthrough, it will certainly not be through you. If he decides to tell me, I'll hear it from him. Not from you. So thanks, but no thanks," I said, slightly mad he would suggest this.

I don't know what it was but he looked... impressed? His body language changed and he seemed impressed with the fact that I didn't accept his offer of telling me. He smiled, thanked me, and left my office, leaving me confused.

~An hour and a half later~

Yoongi's POV:
I was contemplating the whole week about whether or not I should continue. Jieun's so-called 'outbreak' was actually a push to trust her. What she said about not wanting to lose her relationships resonated with me. But at the same time, I didn't want to completely open up to her. That's how it always was. Therapists would look at me with pity and psychiatrists would just prescribe some pills. And later when I closed up, they would just give up. None of them made me want to quit the booze. But Jieun wasn't like them. She had plenty of chances to give up, but she didn't. Her efforts to reach me, made me want to get better. And I hadn't felt like this in the longest time.

Hoseok suddenly entered the house. "Get ready, Yoongi. We have your appointment, remember?" he said warmly. "Where were you?" I asked. "I just met your therpist," he said, smiling.

Ah, great. Just when I thought she's different.

"So what need do I have to go? Pretty sure you told her everything already," I said, disappointment in my voice. "She said she doesn't want to hear it," he said. My eyes widened. He continued, "She said if she ever reaches a breakthrough, she'd want that from you, not from me."

And that was it. That was the last push I needed. I was going to trust Dr. Jeon Jieun.

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