Chapter 17: "We're over."

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Namjoon's POV:
I wanted to scream. But to my surprise and delight, I felt absolutely nothing when I saw her. My heart didn't feel like it was doing summersaults, neither did my brain go all haywire. I just felt... hatred. And as I looked at her features, all I could think of was how Jieun was so much more beautiful than her. I smiled. Alicia seemed to smirk, I didn't understand why.

"Hey, Joonie," she said. "Joonie?" Jieun said. I immediately understood how this looked. Jieun seemed amused at how Alicia still thought she had a chance. I felt like laughing at Alicia when i saw how confident Jieun was in our relationship. I felt so happy she didn't take it the wrong way. And then Jungkook said, "You guys know each other?" "Oh, we do... very well, in fact," Alicia said. "Oh, then you know what a delight she is, Namjoon," Jungkook said. How I wish I could burst his bubble. But I knew it wasnt my place to do so.

Jieun reluctantly left me and went on stage to collect her degree. I clapped like a mad man when her name was called out. She laughed seeing my reaction. I purposely made Jungkook sit next to me so that Alicia wouldn't pull any tricks.

After the ceremony, Jieun, Jungkook, their parents, Alicia and I were sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a nice meal. Mr. Jiwoon started a conversation, "So, Namjoon, was it?" I nodded, feeling my palms getting sweaty. "How long have you been dating my precious daughter?" He asked. I saw Jieun slightly flinch at his words. "Exactly 2 years, sir," I responded. "I'm sorry, did you say 2 whole years?" her mother asked. "Yes, ma'am," I said. "You never thought of mentioning to us that you were in a serious relationship, Jieun," her father said, looking disappointed. "I didn't think you cared, dad," she replied, coldly. I had never seen Jieun like this. I was suddenly worried. Jiwoon sternly put his cutlery down, and started to look angry. "Stop, Jiwoon. This is a public place," Jieun's mom said. He quickly composed himself, and put on a straight face. I saw where Jieun gets that same trait.

"Namjoon, I would like to officially invite you to dinner at our place. A week from now. Will that be okay with you?" Jiwoon asked. My heart felt like it was beating in my mouth. "Su-sure sir," I stuttered. Jieun giggled at my reaction. I gave her a death stare and she suppressed her laughs. "Good, then. It's final. I would like to see what is so special in you that my daughter chose to be with you for a whole two years. Hope you're not like the other useless garbage bags she dated. She never brought them home either, I always found out from Jungkook," he continued. I was definitely feeling the tension. I needed to pee. I excused myself and ran to the washroom.

While washing my hands, I heard the door opening, and then... I saw Alicia. 'Eww' was the first word that came to mind. Jieun would have laughed with me if she heard my thoughts. I smiled slyly thinking of her.

"So, Joonie... Did you miss me?" she said. I felt like puking. "Not even a little bit," I said. "Aww, shy as always," she said, smugly. "I dont know what you want, Alicia, but if it's about me, I should let you know that I hate you, and everything you're associated with," I told her. "You don't need to run away, no one needs to know about this," she said, seductively. "You haven't changed a bit, have you? Let me make this loud and clear. I am absolutely repulsed by you and I dont want to see you, ever again," I said. "And I will be telling Jieun about the stunt you just pulled here." "And you think that can get Jungkook to break up with me? Aww honey, Jungkook is in way too deep right now. I have him wrapped around my little pinky," she said, laughing. "You should be ashamed of yourself," I said, exiting the washroom.

I found Jieun at the door, and she looked up at me. I knew she heard our conversation, I just smiled. "Did you mean what you said?" she asked. "Every word, angel," I replied. We hugged and I placed a short kiss on her forehead. When we reached the table, Jieun told me and Jungkook to come aside for a little bit since she had something to talk about. She told Jungkook what happened with me and Alicia. He didn't waste a second before going towards Alicia and saying, "We're over." "What?! Why?! I love you Jungkook, I thought we were having a great time," she begged. Jungkook only scoffed. "No, you don't. My sister told me everything," he said. I saw Jieun's parents breathing a sigh of relief at the fact that Jungkook finally broke it off with her. "And you believe her over me?" she said. "You mean nothing to me. I've grown up with her. She will never lie to me," he replied. She picked her bag and was just about to leave when she stopped in front of me. She said, "If only you and Seokjin had this kind of bond, don't you think?"

Leaving me puzzled at her words, I was just dumbfounded. Jieun asked me what she said to me. "She just cursed at me," I lied, still unable to understand what she meant.


A/N : Well, bye Alicia! Sorry not sorry about ruining your chance with Jungkook!
Sorry if I freaked you out with the title of the chapter :p
Next chapter will be about Jieun's past.

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