Chapter 10: "Hello, little brother!"

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Jieun's POV:
Brother? Why did he not tell me? I quickly composed myself and put on a smile. But I could tell that namjoon noticed my apprehension. "No... he never mentioned that," I said with a slight smile. "Oh well, now you know. But it was so nice to see you, Jieun. Please do visit often. I look forward to seeing you," Seokjin said, very politely. He looked stunning in person, it didn't go unnoticed by me. But I was more worried about Namjoon not wanting to share this with me. Our relationship was still quite new, so I didn't want to pry.

After Seokjin left, I turned to Namjoon, only to find him looking at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand. It wasn't guilt, for sure. "Namjoon, I'm sure you had your reasons for not telling me. I'm not mad at you or anything, but I feel like I should let you know that I'm here for you. You can lean on me," I said, trying my best to reassure him. He gave me a slight smile, saying, "My brother and I don't have the best relation. It just didn't feel that important at the times he was mentioned. Sorry." "Don't apologise, babe. As long as you remember that I'm there for you," I said. "Thanks," he said with a smile. "I'll let you get back to work now, I have an assignment due in a some weeks, need to work on it," I informed him. "Oh yeah, of course. I'll call you tonight. Bye, baby," he replied with a quick kiss. I still noticed some tension, but I let it go.

As I drove back home, I thought about how this was the first time we actually spoke about Namjoon's family. He had never mentioned them before. I kind of thought I had finally got through to him and he would let me in soon. But then I thought how I hadn't let him in completely either. So I was no one to complain.

Reaching home, I took a quick hot shower. Soon after, I heard my phone buzz. Excited at the fact that it could be Namjoon, I took the phone in my hand and looked at the caller. "Jungkookie <3". Smiling, I picked up.

Jieun: "Hello, little brother! How is everything?"
JK: "Uh, NOT great. My girlfried totally ditched me for her friends and mom forgot to buy me banana milk. Ugh, things suck right now!"

Chuckling at his childish tantrums, I responded.

Jieun: "You know I never entertain this, and I don't understand your obsession to banana milk, so dont expect me to empathize."

He giggled at my response.

JK: "You haven't called me in a while, what's keeping you so busy?"

I blushed at the thought of Namjoon, but I didn't think he should know yet.

Jieun: "College is pretty hectic right now. You know, assignments, exams, blah blah."
JK: "I can literally hear you smile. Who's the guy?"

God he knew me so well. It was frustrating.

Jieun: "There's no point in hiding it from you, you'll literally send spies to investigate me. So, yeah, i have a boyfriend."

I laughed at his reaction.

Jieun: "Well, his name is Namjoon, he's a year older than me, he's a music producer, and we're together for a little over 2 months."
Jieun: "You're gonna hurt my ears, Jungkook! Don't yell!"
JK: "I just thought you would tell me..."
Jieun: "Sorry little brother. I haven't had the time. Also, just please don't tell mom. OR DAD. Please, okay? I dont want dad to ask me stupid questions and bring up the topic of money again. Please."
JK: "Yeah, yeah, don't worry. But you sound happy. When can I meet him?"
Jieun: "When I think it's time. Dont pry, Jungkook. Seriously."
JK: "Okay, big sis. I won't. Take care of yourself. Love you!"
Jieun: "Love you, too. Bye!"

Hanging up, I felt nice after telling Jungkook about Namjoon. He had always been there for me even when everything around me was imploding. He never let dad's opinions affect him, and I really appreciated that.

Namjoon did call me later at night, and we ended up having just another normal conversation. I was glad he was back to normal and it didn't feel tense anymore. I slept with a small smile on my face. Everything seemed so perfect...


A/N: Okayyy, so that is the introduction for Jungkook. He is my favourite character in this series, and I really hope you enjoy his character!
Was Seokjin and Namjoon being brothers predictable? Seokjin is a key character.

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