Chapter 53: "You're very valuable, little brother."

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Jieun's POV:
After the session with Yoongi, I knew I had to see Jungkook. I called him.

JK: "Hey sis! What's up?"
Jieun: "Are you free?"
JK: "Just wrapping things up at the office. Why?"
Jieun: "Let's meet, Jungkook."
JK: "What's wrong?"
Jieun: "It's not a phone conversation."
JK: "Is it Jimin?"
Jieun: "It's about you."
JK: "Oh! Alright. 30 minutes, my apartment?"
Jieun: "Is Wheein home?"
JK: "Yeah, she reached just a while ago."
Jieun: "Cool. I'll wait."

We hung up.

I drove to his place. Wheein greeted me with a homely and tight hug and we spoke about our lives for a while. Jungkook soon came and freshened up.

"Yes! What about me?" he said, cheerfully. "Jungkook... how are things at the office?" I asked. Jungkook and Wheein exchanged puzzled looks. "Uh... Fine... Why?" he said. "I know we don't talk about office. You said it was because it makes me sad because of everything with me and dad and you don't want to do anything that will make me sad. But... has it been difficult...? Taking over the company after dad?" I asked. "No. Why would it be? I always wanted to do this!" he said with a smile.

I knew he was lying.

"Jungkook, please. I want you to know I can listen to you. About anything. You can tell me, okay? I'm your big sister," I said. He took a deep breath and shakily said, "It's tough sometimes when people say I need to grow the company even more. I know I'm trying. I swear I'm trying, sis. I'm hardly ever satisfied with myself. I'm constantly competing to do better. I don't even know who I'm competing against. But I just want to keep being better and better. It's exhausting sometimes. Wheein helps a lot, though. We've not exactly had this conversation, but just her being with me makes me forget about the office."

Wheein held his hand and they shared a smile. "Jungkook, you're doing more than enough. I can see you're working your ass off for this. And it's not just dad's company anymore. You are now a really huge part of it and I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the company would crumble if you don't keep doing what you do. You're very valuable, little brother. You're enough. And I'm sorry I didn't have this conversation with you earlier," I said.

A tear escaped his eye. I quickly wiped it off. "It's very painful to hear that I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for dad being the CEO. My insecurities force me to think they're right sometimes. I'd be nothing if not for dad," he said, now letting more tears fall. Wheein hugged him tight listening to his words. "It doesn't matter if they're right or wrong. What matters is you are pouring every ounce of your hardwork into the betterment of the company. There's no one better suited to take over. I know it, dad knows it too. Have faith in yourself and hey, fuck all those who think you don't deserve to be where you are today. Yeah? No one says that about my little brother," I said.

They both cracked a smile. "There's that smile!" I said and he laughed a little through his tears. He hugged me very tight and I rubbed cicles on his back. "Thanks, sis. I love you," he said. "Love you too," I replied. Wheein looked at us with fond eyes. "What are you looking at? Join us!" I said and we all laughed.

"Jungkook, don't just keep this within yourself. Try sharing. It doesn't have to be me or even Wheein. I know for a fact that Jimin and Taehyung are good listeners. Try telling them about your struggles. They were your best men at your wedding! That's gotta mean something, no? They'll always be there to help you. So will we," I said and he nodded and agreed.

We spent some more time together and I suddenly got a call from Jimin. I answered and heard loud music. Oh right, they went to a club.

Jieun: Hey, hon."

I giggled.

Jieun: "I love you too."

I let out a laugh.

TH: "Jieun! This is Taaehyuung! We're sooo wasteddd! And there are girls hitting on usss!"
Jieun: "WHAT?!"
TH: "YEEEEAA! I can't find myy phonee! I want to talk to Hyeeeejin! My love, the love of my fucking liiiife!"
Jieun: "Tell me where you are, I'll come get you!"

Taehyung told me the name of the club and we hung up.

I bid my goodbyes to Jungkook and Wheein and drove as fast as I could. I reached the club and found them in a corner just laughing like idiots. I laughed and reached them. I definitely saw lot of girls making googly eyes at the two of then but I was so happy they stuck to themselves even when they were hammered.

They saw me and Taehyung said, "Jimin! It's my girlfriend's best friend and my best friend's girlfriend, Jieun!" I giggled. I put them in my car and drove them to my apartment.

"WHERE'S HYEJIN?" Taehyung yelled. I called Hyejin and told her she should see this because it's hilarious. She drove to my place and I opened the door for her. "Heeeyy! Look, Jimin! It's Hyejin! The love of my lifffee!" Taehyung said, with a baby smile on his face. I laughed and turned to Hyejin only to see her shocked expression. "He... has not said that before," she said.

Oh God. Great timing, Taehyung!

"Okay, don't panic, let's just sober them up and put them to sleep. You two sleep here for tonight. Okay?" I said. Hyejin nodded and helped me.

Jimin was clinging onto me like a Koala and wasn't letting go. "Chim, I just need to get you some clothes, yeah? Leave me for a while, honey," I said, trying to free myself of his grip. "Noooooo, I wanna cuddle with you!" he said, whining. "Okay, just let me get you some clothes and then we'll cuddle, okay? I promise," I said and felt his grip loosening. "Okay," he said and smiled like a little baby.

I gave Hyejin some of Jimin's clothes for Taehyung. When she was changing his clothes, he said, more like yelled, "HEY HEY! LADY! STAY AWAY! I'LL CALL MY GIRLFRIEND, SHE'S SUCH A BADASS! YOUR TEETH WILL FALL WITH A SINGLE PUNCH!" Hyejin and I laughed. He gave up in the end.

We both cuddled our respective partners to sleep that night. Memorable.


A/N : I love this chapter!! Also, so happy for Yoongiii! Are we liking the third part?

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