Chapter 44: "Magic Shop."

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~2 days later, the day of the wedding~

Jieun's POV:
The wedding went so smoothly. I was glad. Wheein and Jungkook looked like their faces would break because of how much they were smiling. It was so nice to see them that way. Hyejin and Taehyung announced yesterday that they were official now. Needless to say, neither of us were surprised. I was happy for both of them. They looked truly content.

After the wedding was over, the reception began. I was sitting with Mom, Dad, Jungkook and Wheein. 'The family table', as Jimin called it. He was sitting with Taehyung, Hyejin and two of Jungkook's friends - Yugyeom and Bambam. Seokjin was touring and couldn't make it. But he sent his best wishes and a real expensive couple's spa voucher for the two of them. Yugyeom and Bambam were Jungkook's school friends and had caught up after many years today.

Jimin and Taehyung were Jungkook's two best men. They had both given their best man speech. Taehyung's was funny, while Jimin's was poetic. It was nice how they had grown so close in such a short span of time. Jungkook hardly ever maintained friendships because he would be so engrossed in his work and the betterment of the company. But Taehyung and Jimin were there for him and handled his idiosyncrasies perfectly. Hyejin also gave her speech. It was bold and beautiful. I had doubts over whether or not Jimin helped her write it.

Finally, it was my turn. Going last was Jungkook's idea. Making a mental note to hit him for it, I stood up.

"Hello, everybody. For all those who don't know me, I'm Jeon Jieun, the maid of honour. But, not only am I one of Wheein's best friends since school, the groom is my little brother. So this particular relationship sits in a certain special place in my heart. I know everything there is to know about both of them and let me tell you, they are both a handful," I said and the crowd giggled. I continued, "But they are also two of the most special people in my life. When Jungkook decided to marry Wheein, I was the first person to know about it. He came to my house to tell me and, 'ask me for my blessing,' he said. When he was telling me how he thought of this momentous and fabulous proposal, one of the many things he told me was that he wanted to be someone that has a special place in his heart where Wheein can exchange her sorrows and difficulties for happiness. Like a magic shop."

My eyes met Jimin's. He was looking at me fondly. The crowd had grown silent. I noticed that Wheein had tears in her eyes and she was looking at Jungkook.

I continued, "I couldn't believe that my baby brother, who till date, cribs and whines about banana milk, was saying these lovely things." The crowd laughed. I continued, "And when I heard that, I knew Wheein was going to be the happiest person ever. And God, does she deserve every single tiny, minuscule, huge, large, humongous happiness that this world has to offer. That's when I knew these two were made for each other and would successfully maintain this marraige. And when you meet someone like that..."

I was only looking at Jimin. It was as if the entire room contained just the two of us.

I went on, " don't let them go. You keep them close. Desperately close. So... Wheein and Jungkook, I hope you both manage to become each other's magic shops and keep a tiny little world among yourselves when you want to escape the complexities of reality. I can't say your marriage will be just smiles, celebrations and laughter, because that's not it. I hope both of you share not just happiness, but also tears, grief and problems." I looked at Wheein and Jungkook. They were both in tears.

I then looked at Jimin and said, "Remember that it's not about being perfect. It's about being together and growing... I love you guys. So much... Thankyou." The crowd errupted in applause. I smiled and sat down at my table.

After I had finished eating, and before any one could make small talk with me, I walked to Jimin's table. I ignored every one trying to greet me at his table. Jimin locked eyes with me from afar and when I was close enough he started, "That was some speech-" I interrupted him by pulling his face closer and kissing him square on the lips. He responded almost immediately. I could hear Taehyung giggling. I pulled away, saying, "I love you." He was so shocked. I giggled. Still in his state of shock, he said, "Are you sure?" I laughed. I was more than sure. "I love you," I said, kissing him again. His grip on my waist tightened and I could feel his smile in the kiss. We both pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, and he broke the silence saying, "I love you too."

I smiled.

Taking a breath, I said, "Well, that's all I came here to say. Yugyeom, Bambam, Taehyung and my babe Hyejin, it's very nice to see you." Hyejin made googly eyes at me, and everyone at the table laughed. Jimin was just smiling as if in a trance.

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