Chapter 29: "Lottery ticket."

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~1 week later~

Jimin's POV:
I was so excited! I knew I had to impress her. She was so different. There was some mystery to her eyes and God, was she beautiful. I was looking forward to this. But at the same time, I wanted to visit my favourite ladies. I was unsure whether she'll like it but I was going to take a chance. If they approved of her, I'd like it. We had decided to meet at her apartment, from where I'll take her to my place of peace. I had taken two girls there before but they had not liked either of them. So they were out.

I reached her apartment on time and she walked out. She looked gorgeous in her simple attire and I was glad she didn't dress fancy. We drove to the place, engaging in small talk in the car. "What is this place?" she asked. "My shrine of peace," I replied. "I'm serious," she said, giggling. "It's a mochi place," I said. "What? Like people can make it here?" she asked, shocked, but smiling.

God, was her smile the brightest.

"Yep. These grannys here are probably the most savage but meticulous people in the whole world. Small warning, they're mean to anyone I bring here. So, beware," I said. "Oh dear. I'm slightly terrified, not gonna lie. But great, I look forward to this!" she said. "Really? I've brought two girls here before and they've hated the idea but only faked their agreement," I said. "No, it's super cool. I've never done this before and I didn't know a place like this exists," she said. I was glad.

We entered and the grannys immediately hugged me. They gave a mean glare to Jieun but one of them nudged my shoulder saying she's pretty. I agreed.

We started making the mochi and I got some rice powder on my face. I wiped it but later made a bigger mess. She laughed. "Hey, it's really difficult okay!" I whined. "I'm sure," she said condescendingly. We both broke into laughter and we had a very very peaceful time. When we were done, our very imperfect mochis were accepted by the grannys.

I told Jieun to wait outside and asked the grannys what they thought of her. They all loved her and told me to keep her. I don't know what they saw. She hardly spoke apart from the salutation and greeting. "What changed?" I asked them. "Well, we never looked at the girls. It was about you. Your eyes say you actually like her. So, she's good enough," they replied with smiles. I hugged them and left.

Jieun and I went to a restaurant for a nice meal. The waiter approached us and asked us what we want. As we told him our eating order he asked if we want something to drink. I just ordered a breezer since I didn't want anything too stiff. "And for you?" I asked her. "A peach iced tea would do, thank you," she said. The waiter left us.

I turned to her with a smirk and said, "What are you, 12? Who orders peach iced tea?" I was laughing. "Hey! Don't you dare insult peach iced tea! I will throw punches. Besides, I don't drink," she said. I burst into laughter. She soon laughed along with me. "Why?" I asked. "Why would you willingly lose control of your consciousness?" she said with a straight face. "That's-" I started but she interrupted, "That's the point, yeah yeah, I've heard it before." We both laughed.

"I have to admit, Jimin, I had a lot of fun. I didn't think I would. And it was surprisingly peaceful. It was the most unique date I've ever been on," she said. I gave her a genuine smile. "I'm glad you liked it. The grannys loved you too. They don't usually do that," I said. "They key is to not walk in with the intent of impressing them. I was just there to make some mochis," she said, nonchalantly. If only she knew. She was something else.

We ate dinner and had a great talk. I was really enjoying my time with her and I actually saw this becoming something. She was so nice, funny, beautiful and very sorted. But I had a feeling this was a front. She had something that held her back. Perhaps an old love? I wasn't sure.

"I had a fabulous time tonight. Let's do this again some time. What do you say?" I said. Her smile dropped. "Jimin... You're super nice and I did have a nice time. But I feel like I should let you know that I'm not looking for something right now," she said. "Why?" I asked. "You're persistent, aren't you?" she said with a small smile. "Only for people I'm genuinely interested in," I replied. She started, "Okay, look... I once bought a... lottery ticket... seven years back. And I won that lottery. Pretty much hit the really wholesome, perfect, once-in-a-lifetime kind of jackpot..." she took a pause. I knew this was the reason she held back. I looked at her expectantly. "He died," she said. I was not expecting that. My eyes widened. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. She continued, "And I've not wanted to buy a lottery ticket since then."
A comfortable silence fell between us.

She broke it, "I see the way you look at me like you really want this to become something." She saw right through me. "I don't want to make this something we both can't handle. I hope you understand," she continued. But I wanted it to become something. I didn't want to let her go. I knew this was silly after just one date but I wanted her to feel better. I wanted to be someone she trusts and lets in. I wasn't sure if this was a romantic thing. I just wanted her to feel better. I wanted to be an anchor, a support. I saw a friend in her. So that's why, I said, "Meet me still. Not a date, I promise. Let's just have fun, do some weird and funky things, have a meal and not consider it a date. Let's just hang out." She stopped. She gave me a long look. I couldn't quite understand what was going on inside her head.

After a long silence, she said, "Okay."

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