Chapter 46: "Make you give up."

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~6 months later~

Author's POV:
About three months ago, Jimin released another book. He was slowly gaining quite a bit of recognition. He started working on his next one immediately after. He was sure that it would take him no less than 3 months to finish it because it was poems again. But he was struggling. But he chose to keep it from Jieun only because he thought he'd soon find a way out himself.

Jieun, on the other hand, had completely transformed her clinic. She had a lot more clients now, and she pretty much always received a good feedback. She gave her 100% to her job, every single day and she made sure she helped everyone who came to her. She would sometimes think how proud Professor Park would be if he knew how well she was doing.

As for Jieun amd Jimin? They were going pretty solid too. They moved in with each other a month ago, in a new apartment, and things only grew better since then. They celebrated a year together a few days back, and they were both happy. They would occasionally have tiny arguments, but nothing serious at all. Jieun knew better than to call her relationship 'perfect' and she always strived to keep Jimin happy. So did he.

Jieun had just finished with a client. "Thank you for choosing me as your therapist, Mr. Choi. I hope our sessions make you feel better. I can definitely say taking the decision to come to therapy was already a step towards betterment. I look forward to seeing you," she said. Mr. Choi thanked her too and left her clinic.

She walked towards her assistant and asked, "When's the next appointment, Beomgyu?" He answered, "In half an hour." She asked, "Who was on the phone? Do we know what he's in for?" He answered, "Yes, he's been diagnosed before. He's in for Dysthymia." She nodded. "And comorbid with alcoholism..." he continued, "I spoke to a Mr. Jung Hoseok, asking to book weekly sessions for Mr. Min Yoongi. Mr. Hoseok knew what Mr. Yoongi is in for, so I'm guessing therapy before hasn't worked out." Jieun felt like she had heard the name 'Jung Hoseok' somewhere. She paused and said, "And did you ask his relation with the client?" "No, I'm sorry, ma'am. But he mentioned that he will join for the first session," Beomgyu responded. "Okay, but next time, remember to ask this on the phone itself. Yeah?" she said. He nodded. "I'm gonna get a coffee, I'll be back in about 15 minutes. Okay?" she said and Beomgyu nodded.

~15 minutes later, after Jieun entered the clinic~

Jieun's POV:
"Ma'am, I was trying to call you!" Beomgyu rushed towards me. "What's going on?" I asked. "Ma'am, the name Min Yoongi was familiar so I did a little search. You know the Min Builders?" he asked. I nodded and said, "Yeah, the architecture company that dipped 3 or some years ago, right?" Beomgyu nodded and said, "Mr. Yoongi was the CEO when that happened. Ma'am, this could be a high profile case." I paused to look at him. "Okay, fine. We'll see what his case is," I said. "Ma'am he already arrived. He insisted to wait in your office," Beomgyu said.

I walked into my office to see two gentlemen on the couch. One of them stood up when he saw me, the other sat comfortably on the couch, not acknowledging my presence. "I'm so sorry to make you wait. Hello, I'm Dr. Jeon Jieun," I said. "Yes, we know," the man sitting said. His speech was clear, but his pupils were dilated and his body language was sloppy. It didn't take me time to understand he was drunk.

"Yoongi, please," the man standing up said. "You must be Mr. Hoseok," I said to the man standing up. He nodded and proceeded to shake my hand. "This is Yoongi. I hope you don't mind-" he was saying but I interrupted, "What is your relationship with Mr. Yoongi?" He looked at me confused and didn't respond. I said calmly, "Are you his brother? Friend? Partner?" "Uh... Best friend and brother-in-law," Hoseok said. I hummed.

"I like how you didn't sound like you were insinuating something by saying 'partner'. Otherwise, the rest try to show they're not homophobes when they say that. You know that weird tone they have when they say, 'Is he your partner? Which I'm completely okay with!' as if that remark doesn't make things uncomfortable," Yoongi said. Hoseok slightly smiled. He then said, "I hope you don't mind me attending the first session. Just to see how things go." "Sorry, Mr. Hoseok, I don't conduct my sessions with others around. If Mr. Yoongi wishes to update you about what he took away from our sessions, he will let you know 'how things go'. I'm expecting that to be okay with you," I said. Hoseok looked disheartened but Yoongi smirked.


"She's a good one, Hobi. How'd you find her?" Yoongi asked. "Be good, Yoongi. Seriously," he said. Yoongi stopped smirking and turned to me. Hoseok quietly left my office.

"So, Mr. Yoongi. Today is our first session, so we won't directly delve into what you're here for-" I started but only to be interrupted by him, "Look. I don't expect anything from these sessions. I've tried close to 8 psychiatrists and psychologists over the last 5 years and no one can do sqaut. So let's just talk about nothing, I can just quit coming here after three months or so, and we can all live in peace." "I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Yoongi. This is my job and you benefitting from it is success on my part," I said. "Cool. Then I'll make you give up. I'm a lost cause, Doc. Don't waste your time," he said.

I looked into his eyes. They were red and swollen. Those were two of the saddest eyes I had ever seen. A lot of my clients had sadness in their eyes. But his were different. There was anger in those eyes. Hatred. Hurt. Loss. Almost everything but positive emotions in there.

The rest of the session went on with us having a very normal conversation, not touching his issues. He avoided some questions and answered the rest, but not in a helpful manner. He was arrogant in the way he conducted himself, but I could see he was hurting. Very badly, and since too long. When we were done with our session, we walked to the lobby to find Hoseok sitting and waiting for him. Dedicated friend. Yoongi doesn't care about his sessions but attends for his best friend. That's the topic for next time.

As they were taking off, I called out to Mr. Yoongi. The two men turned to look at me. I said, "Breath mints and cologne don't mask the fact that you've been drinking. You're coming to a therapist, and I can assure you I'm good. Don't try to lie or hide. I'll know." Hoseok looked worried and guilty but Yoongi just smirked and said, "This will be fun. I like her already."

As they left the office, I turned to look at Beomgyu and he gave me a knowing look. We both knew this was not going to be an easy case.

I reached home to Jimin's comforting presence and he could tell something was wrong. But he knew better than asking about it, knowing I can't tell him. I was grateful. He only hugged me and we both drifted off to sleep.


A/N : Aaaand we have the seventh member! I enjoyed writing Yoongi's role.
Do you think Jieun will remember Hoseok? Or vice versa?

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