Chapter 13: "An A-Class couple."

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~A week later~
Jieun's POV:
It had been a week since I told Namjoon that I needed time to process everything that we spoke about. It was difficult, considering I saw him in a completely new light. But my best friends, Wheein and Hyejin, really put things in order for me. They told me how happy I was and looked with him, and that although he was cheated on, that never stopped him from being vulnerable and having that talk with me. He could have lied, but he chose to tell me the story, and I just had to see that as progress. I knew that cheating can forever change a person's outlook on love and relationships, and that was the reason I was apprehensive at first. It was a steady climb, but I decided to call him. He picked up in one ring; wasn't surprising as he called and texted everyday for the past week.

NJ: "JIEUN! OH MY GOD! MY LOVELY ANGEL! HI, JIEUN. Please talk to me Jieun. Please. I can't let my ex ruin this relationship. She doesn't deserve it. This past week without talking to you was hell, Jieun. Talk to me, baby, please."

I could feel his tears.

Jieun: "Let's meet Namjoon."
NJ: "Yes, yes, definitely. Any time, any place. Just say the word."
Jieun: "At the cafe? 5 pm?"
NJ: "Yes, done."

There was silence on the line, but it wasn't uncomfortable. He continued.

NJ: "Are you still mad at me?"
Jieun: "Baby, i was never mad at you. I just needed time to process it. Your image changed in my mind after our talk."
NJ: "I knew you see me differently now. I knew it. Did it have to be this way, Jieun? I was such an idiot. Why would I choose to hide it?! Oh God, I'm a fool."

He was sobbing at this point.

Jieun: "Namjoon, this is not where things end. Just because I see you a little differently doesn't have to make things between us tensed. I missed you. I wanted to see you. It's us, baby. We've had some really great times, and I dont think I've ever felt the way I feel about you with anyone. And you're right, your ex doesn't deserve the attention we're giving her, and she definitely doesn't deserve the breakup of an A-class couple happening because of her."

He seemed to chuckle a little at my words.

NJ: "I just wanna hold you."

There was a short silence, but I knew he knew I was smiling.

Jieun: "See you, Namjoon."

~At the cafe~

Namjoon's POV:
I reached early as always. One of her best friends was sitting with someone. I think her name is Hyejin. She suddenly walked up to me and said, "Hey, I'm Hyejin." "Hello, I'm Namjoon, it's nice to meet you," I responded. "Look, I know who you are. I'm Jieun's best friend, you probably know that," she said and I nodded. She continued, "It's not my business to say anything to you guys, and Jieun will be super mad if she gets to know I'm meddling here, because she hates mediators. So just listen to me carefully and don't tell Jieun we spoke, okay?" I nodded. "Dont fuck up, man. She was miserable this past week and you really hurt her. Just when she thought she knew you, you dumped all this information on her. She really really likes you, okay? Just be as honest with her as you can. Tell her about yourself, include her. Because she's doing the same for you. It's not easy for her to let people in either. All she tells us is that she sees it in your eyes... the genuineness, the interest of actually hearing what she's going through. She has told you a few things she has told us only. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?" She said. "Yes, yes, i do. Look, your friend means a lot to me. The past week was hell for me, too. I couldn't think straight at all. I won't screw this up, I swear," I said and that seemed to reassure her. But she said, "Have you been drinking?" I avoided eye contact and nodded. "It made me temporarily forget about the whole situation," I replied. Hyejin said, "You should know she doesn't drink."

What? Jieun doesn't drink?

"Huh?" I said inquisitively. "Yeah, you guys probably have not hung out at a bar before, so you wouldn't know. She doesn't like to drink at all, avoids it all the time. Not because of some personal reason. Just some kinda nerdy ass reason about 'Why would you willingly want to lose control of your consciousness?'. As if thats not the point," she responded with a laugh. That sounded classic Jieun. That made sense to me. Yes, we never met at a bar. And this topic never really came up. Hyejin and I said our goodbyes and she left the cafe with her friend/date. I don't know.

Jieun entered the cafe soon. She looked quite dull, but still gorgeous as ever. I smiled when I finally saw her after so long. I couldn't take it and just ran into her arms. She stood still for a while, but hugged me back, just as tightly. My heart felt full after having her in my arms. I felt so complete.

We parted from the hug and she kissed me so passionately. There was so much urgency in that kiss and I felt my tears on her lips. We soon left the cafe and reached her house. We spoke what was on our minds and emptied our hearts. I felt free.

Hugging her as if she would disappear if I let go, I kept her close and we drifted off. I felt peace after a really long time. And peace, to me, was Jieun.

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