Chapter 5: "I don't know your full name!"

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Namjoon's POV:
I was scared she's going to think I'm a complete dud for taking her to a museum as the first date. But I actually really wanted to see this place, and I thought seeing it with someone who has a mind like hers (and plus I could not know less about her) would be the best bet. I reached the cafe 30 minutes early, walking in to find her best friend. Suspecting she already knew about the date, she chuckled seeing my anxious state. I was happy she didn't ask me about it.

Around 20 minutes later, Jieun walked in. Time stood still. I felt like it was the first time I was seeing her all over again. She was looking so beautiful. "Wow," I said, not even thinking. She giggled, and said, "You don't look bad yourself." I felt relief washing over me, as i did spend at least 20 minutes in front of my wardrobe, reminding myself of the dire need I was in to go shopping. She waved to her best friend, and I think they had a small, discreet conversation, but I let it go.

Driving to the museum, she asked me where we were going. I told her that it's a surprise. She seemed amused. I was just glad to see her smile. After we reached, her eyes widened. "You like museums?!" she said. I couldn't tell if she said that out of interest, or disgust. "Yes..." I said reluctantly. "That's fantastic! I've always wanted to see this place. It's relatively new, isn't it? Ah, I never got the time!" she replied, enthusiastically. I couldn't process what she was saying at all. It felt like such a dream. How could she be so perfect?

"I thought you would think I'm a bore because i took you to the museum for our first date," I admitted. "First date, huh? You think there would be more?" she teased. I blushed at her words and said, "I do think so... is that a problem?" "No... no, it's not," she replied with a small smile.

We roamed the museum, but i could hardly take her my eyes off of her surprised and delighted expressions as she admired all the art in the museum. Well, I'm going to have to visit this place alone. If I'm with her, I'm not gonna pay attention to the museum at all!

After visiting the museum, we sat down at a local restaurant, ordering the food. Speaking of everything and nothing all at once, we lost ourselves in the conversation. I told her about the passion i have for music, she told me about her passion in psychology. She could really be a very successful psychologist one day. Since i was already a musician, i had a well-paid job. She was still a student, but she got little income from the cafe. She was surprised at how well it was doing. I giggled at her shock. I encouraged her, telling her that it was fantastic product and it shouldn't come as a shock that people want to buy it. She smiled that beautiful smile. I was so content. I found out about our one-year age gap, couldn't be less bothered. She was so mature. We finished our meal, and I paid for it. She reluctantly accepted my gesture.

As I dropped her back home to her apartment, I said, "Hey... I had a great time tonight. Would you, maybe... wanna do this again?" She took a small pause, looking at me, almost scanning me, and said, "Sure. But I pick the place next time. And I pay." "Yes, ma'am," i replied with a smile.

As I saw her leave, I called out to her, she turned to look at me with a smile, and I asked, "Hey! I dont know your full name! Mine is Kim Namjoon!" I saw her smile drop. "Jeon Jieun," she said, with hardly any expressions. She scurried in her apartment, without giving me a chance to respond.

Wait... Jeon? As in the owner of Jeon Industries?


A/N: We are starting to dive into Jieun's past. The story picks up from here. Hope you guys are having a good time reading this. It's only just begun, I promise it gets better, stay with meee! :')

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