Chapter 61: "He deserves answers, too."

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~1 month later~

Jimin's POV:
Okay, I was still figuring out the perfect proposal for Jieun. It needed to be the most grand thing ever. I was also saving up for a house for the two of us. I spent about 2 weeks house-hunting and I found absolutely nothing that I liked. It was going to take a lot longer. I also spent a long time advertising for my latest book. So I hadn't exactly had a lot of time planning the proposal.

We were just setting up for dinner when the doorbell rang. Jieun and I exchanged puzzled looks since we weren't expecting anyone. I opened the door and didn't recognise the man immediately, but I knew his face from somewhere.

"Can I help you?" I said. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this is Dr. Jeon Jieun's house. So sorry to disturb you, have a nice night," he said. "She does live here," I replied. "Who is it?" Jieun asked from the kitchen. "It's for you," I replied back. She soon joined me at the door. "Min Yoongi?" she said.

Right! Yes, the architect whose wife died. I had seen him once at Jieun's clinic.

"Hey, doc," he said with a sly smile. "Come on in," she said.

After water and basic small talk, Jieun asked, "What brings you here?" "Uh... I wanted to thank you," he replied. "Oh, c'mon, you know it was my job," she said. "No, we both know it wasn't. I cannot imagine how difficult it must've been for you, doc. I'm sorry, I am, but I'm also thankful. I feel shame in being thankful rather than completely sorry," he said.

I wasn't following this conversation at all. "Is this your boyfriend?" he asked. "Oh, yes. So sorry. This is Park Jimin, my lovely partner," she said, putting her hand in mine. "Wait, the poet?" he asked. "Oh, you know him?" she asked. "He wrote poems on loss of a loved one and about love. Very accurately, might I add. They're all incredible," he said. "Thank you," I replied, feeling my chest inflate with pride. "Have you two been dating long?" he asked. "Oh, yes, much over three years," I replied. "Oh! Alright... Does he know who I am?" he asked Jieun. "Oh yeah, Min Yoongi, from Min builders," I responded.

He only looked at Jieun.

"I can't tell him because you were my client and whatever you tell me is confidential," she said. "But I am not anymore... So, he has no idea? At all?" he asked. I was growing curious, but I couldn't ask either. Jieun shook her head a no.

"Well, you're a damn good shrink, I'll give you that," he said, chuckling. "How many people have you told?" she asked. "Uh... Hobi, my sister and my new shrink," he replied. "Oh, that's nice. Good for you," Jieun said with a smile. He smiled back. "You should tell him, doc. He deserves answers too," he said. "Can't," she said, clicking her tongue. "Well, then I will," he said.

Jieun tried to tell him he didn't have to and that I was clear that it's her job, but Yoongi felt it was necessary I understood what went down between the two of them and why he was here unannounced to say thank you. He said it couldn't have been simple if he was this desperate to show gratitude. That got through to her, and then, Mr. Yoongi started, "Mr. Jimin, about a year or more ago, did Jieun have some kind of phase where she was terribly sad, perhaps hysterical? Just completely out of it?"

I was reminded of those two weeks where I had to watch her break down almost every day and couldn't do anything about it. It was so heartbreaking for me, to just watch her and not be able to know. I was desperate to make it better for her but didn't know how. I was willing to do anything just so that it could make her feel better. It was frustrating, but absolutely gut-wrenching to just mindlessly take care of her without asking what happened and who or what made her cry and sob like that.

I nodded in response to Mr. Yoongi's question.

"I'm afraid I was the reason," he said. "Excuse me?" I said, feeling the anger rise up in me, seeing the man that made the woman of my dreams cry.

Author's POV:

And then Yoongi told Jimin everything. Since the beginning. Jimin patiently listened. When Yoongi reached the end, Jimin was still silent. He didn't say a word.

After 2 minutes or so, he said, "I'm sure that must have been very difficult for you to overcome, Mr. Yoongi." Yoongi nodded. "Doc helped so much. She's the reason I got better. I'm almost one and a half year sober now. My new shrink is super happy with me. I, umm... I also started talking to my parents and they're opening up to the idea of me joining the firm again. Not as CEO, but I think if I start working, I'll get there in no time," he said. Jieun smiled, feeling so proud of her client, and seeing how far he has come.

Jimin was still so deep in thought. All he could think about was how Jieun handled all that. And after learning what exactly happened, he understood how gracefully she handled it.

The sobbing should have been wailing, the fever should have been pneumonia, the stress should have been persistent, the pain should have been everlasting. But she... stood there smiling and holding his hand, and made him feel loved every day. Either she was a master in pretending, or she was so unbelievably strong. His bets were on the latter.

Yoongi soon left the house and the couple were left alone. "How have you not absolutely lost control every day?" Jimin asked, genuinely curious. "What do you mean?" Jieun asked. "Baby, I cannot imagine what that must've been like for you. How did you deal with it so well?" he asked. "Well? I was in bed for two weeks, down with stress induced fever for the second week," she said, giggling. "And that's the most basic reaction I can think of, for knowing something like that," he replied.
"I'll admit, I was devastated in the beginning. I had no sense of time, no sleep, feelings of anger, hatred, vengeance, pain. I didn't think I'd ever get out of that state of mind," she said. "What changed your mind?" he asked. "You," she replied. "What?" he said. "You took care of me, for the entirety of two weeks, without asking a single question. You called a doctor post midnight for a house call to see what's wrong with me. You cooked for me, even when you're not good at it, because you didn't want to give me packed food. You know, the doctor said I was lucky to be your wife and that you love me a lot? And... just looking at you... I just understood how much I love you. I just understood that... no matter how badly things turned out for me and namjoon, I can't change that. My present and my future is you. And I know that we can overcome anything together. As long as I've got you, I'd always be able to become stronger and better," Jieun said.

"I am so hopelessly in love with you, Jeon Jieun," Jimin said, moving closer to her. "I love you more," Jieun replied. Jimin moved his hands to her waist and moved closer to her lips. When they were millimetres apart, he whispered on her lips, "Not a fucking chance."

And their lips met. That was unlike any other kiss between them. It just held admiration and sheer respect for the strength Jieun had. Their lips meeting eachothers in tandom and perfect rhythm. His hands circling her waist completely, and hers towards his neck, pulling him even closer than he already was, as if that was possible. He swiped his tongue on her upper lip and she ended the kiss with a slight bite on his lower lip. They touched their foreheads together, out of breath. "It always drives me crazy when you bite my lip like that," Jimin said. She playfully smirked and said, "I know, baby. I know."

That night, as Jieun soundly slept in Jimin's arms, Jimin realised, he doesn't need a fancy proposal. This, these homely moments, is what make them so great together. All he needs is meaningful moments with the woman he loves. All he needs is her, and the sequence of events that have made them who they are.

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