Chapter 60: "A... Scrapbook?"

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~1 hour later~

Author's POV:
Jieun, Wheein and Hyejin joined the boys at the Jeon household. Aera was being watched by a sitter tonight, so Taehyung and Hyejin had decided to make the most of their rare time without their child. The Christmas dinner went smoothly and it was soon time to exchange gifts. The gang had decided to buy their significant others gifts, just because.

They all sat in a somewhat circle, the guys and girls forming clusters of their own.

"Oh, the gift giving thing was supposed to be public?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah, of course," Jungkook replied. Taehyung giggled nervously. "Okay, Hyejin, Taehyung - you guys go first!" Wheein said. Taehyung opened a small box which Hyejin gave him, it had a wonderful wrapping and everyone teased Hyejin for being all fancy and particular.

"Oh my god, baby, you did not just-" Taehyung started but stopped to look at Hyejin with a big smile. "What is it?" Jieun asked. "Well, he's always been saying he wanted a metal pick for his guitar. So... I made him one. It's got all three of our names engraved on it. It's also attached to a silver chain so he can wear it around his neck," Hyejin said. "Who fucking knew Hyejin would buy a gift with emotional value!" Jimin said. Everyone giggled. "That's really thoughtful," Jieun said giving her a small hug. Hyejin smiled.

Then came Taehyung's turn. "Oh, no, lets just skip my turn, it's embarrassing after Hyejin's gift," he said, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, c'mon! What could possibly be that bad?" Jungkook said.

Hyejin opened and shut it as soon as she saw what's inside, a panicked look in her eyes.

"Kim Taehyung, you did not," she said. "What, what, what, what, what?" Jungkook whined like a little kid. "I'm not showing this," Hyejin said, shyly laughing now. "Why, is it lingerie?" Wheein said, as a joke. Taehyung and Hyejin both became silent.

"WHAT?!" the group exclaimed.

"Your wife got you something sentimental and you gave her lingerie?!" Jimin said. "Wait, wait, wait, hear me out! Okay, Hyejin doesn't like to tell me, but I know she's insecure about her body ever since she had Aera. I just bought her the lingerie to show her that she'll always be sexy to me. And that she's so beautiful I can hardly take my eyes off her. And that she could still pull off a black lace set, because she's even more beautiful now, now that she's the mother of my child," Taehyung said. Hyejin had tears in her eyes. "Aww, baby, don't cry," Taehyung cooed. "A lot of the reason for tears is the mommy hormones going crazy, but still, I love you so much," she said. And they both walked towards eachother and shared a sweet kiss. Which sort of turned heated and Wheein had to break them apart, "Okay, later, at home. Please." They giggled. "Oh, you bet things are getting wild at home today. I'm ripping this new purchase right off of you. Shame," Taehyung said, wrapping his arms around Hyejin's waist. "Okay! Okay, stop! No indecency during Christmas, you guys, God!" Jungkook said.

"Nothing indecent about sex," Jimin and Jieun said together, Jimin popping a grape in his mouth, and the two of them locking eyes. They smiled and Jieun winked at him. He blushed wildly. The group, having noticed, smiled at each other over how amazing these two were together. "Ugh, get married already," Jungkook said, immediately making everyone in the room very conscious.

After an awkward 30 seconds, Jieun brushed it off and said, "Okay, Wheein and Jungkook - you go!" and everyone followed her lead. Jimin sent Jungkook a death glare, which Jungkook acknowledged with a guilty look.

Wheein opened hers first. "A key?" she asked. "Remember that bungalow we drove past a few weeks ago? You couldn't stop talking about it for days, about how you could turn that place into the perfect home and how it's a great place to raise a child... Well, that's the key," Jungkook said, holding so much love for his wife in his eyes. "Are you serious?!" Wheein said. Jungkook hummed and gave her a tight hug. "Man, CEO gifts are in a different league," Jimin said, making everyone laugh.

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