Chapter 31: "But she's worth it."

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~2 months later~

Author's POV:
Jieun and Jimin had a tricky relationship. They weren't dating. They weren't not dating. Is there some kind of middle ground? They went on dates, but they weren't exactly together. Jieun was actually really enjoying her time with Jimin. He did exactly what he said he would do. He helped her forget. Still, not completely, though. The minute she returned to her apartment, she would still miss Namjoon. But the more she spent time with him, the more she wanted to let loose. Why, was still a mystery to her.

Jimin was currently working on a book. A set of poems. He had thought of this as the perfect way to enter the commercial writing market and he loved writing poems. Jieun was thrilled with his idea and supported him as she could.

Today was another day they were hanging out at his apartment. She had not taken him to her apartment. Some of Namjoon's things were still there. She didn't want him to be upset. She knew he had started to expect things from her, even when he never showed or tried to pressure her into it. She knew it was inevitable.

"Movie?" he asked. "Sure, your pick," she replied. "Okay, then. I have the CD of Me Before You. For a book conversion, it's a great movie, don't you think?" he asked. Her heart beat a thousand times a minute.

Fighting every impulse to leave and cry, she agreed. Namjoon and Jieun had never seen this movie together, but this book meant a lot to her. For reasons not related to Jimin. At all. She felt guilt creeping up. A whole lot of guilt.

The movie started.  But around 15 minutes in the doorbell rung. Jimin opened to find Taehyung with a six-pack of beer and a huge grin. "Boys night? What do you say?" Taehyung asked, excitement overflowing. "Umm... Maybe not tonight. Sorry bud. Later, for sure," Jimin replied. "Do you have a girl in there?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. Jimin blushed. "I'm coming in, introduce me," he said and just pushed past Jimin and walked in. "So who's the lady- JIEUN?!" he exclaimed. "Taehyung?" she asked, perplexed. "Are y'all having a date?!" he said, his eyes looking like they were about to pop out any time. "It's complicated," they both said at the same time. "Oh my God, Hyejin needs to hear about this," Taehyung said, laughing now. "Oh, nononono, Taehyung, please," Jieun begged. "Too late, sweetheart, she picked up," he said.

TH: "Guess fucking what. Your best friend and my best friend are smooshing!"

He was giggling uncontrollably. "THAT'S VERY INCORRECT!" Jimin said before Jieun could say anything. "We were just watching a movie!" Jieunn said.

HJ: "You better not joke about this, Kim!"
TH: "I don't know the whole story, get your ass here. I'm sending you Jimin's address. Okay?"
HJ: "Fine, be there in 20. Bringing Wheein and Jungkook, too."
TH: "Fine. See ya."

Taehyung and Hyejin ended the call. Then, Taehyung said, "She's reaching here in about 20 mins. Wheein and Jungkook will be here too. You have a lot of explaining to do," pointing towards Jieun. "Oh, God," she said. The three of them sat in the world's most awkward silence till the rest of them showed up.

Jieun's POV:
After what felt like ages, Wheein and Jungkook showed up, which wasn't surprising since Hyejin was always late. "WHAT IS THIS NEWS I HEAR?!" Jungkook barged in, happiness all over his face. He looked at me with happy eyes after three years. Was this really such a big deal?
"And Taehyung, just don't speak, I want to hear it from her," he said. Wow.

"Jimin and I are not exactly together. We've been meeting pretty regularly for the past two months and it's just regular hang outs," I said. I looked at Jimin and his face looked... sad? Oh no. My words hurt him. I felt a pang of guilt again. One that grew stronger every time he did something sweet for me, which was every time we met. He never tried to hide that he liked me, but at the same time, he never forced me into anything. I was grateful. I knew it wasn't easy. Hyejin came in just then.

"I want to talk to Jieun. Wheein, Jungkook? Join me," Hyejin said. They all dragged me to the kitchen. They looked at me for a while and Wheein began, "Does he treat you well?" "Yes, he's very sweet," I replied. "Does he know about Namjoon?" Jungkook asked. I nodded a yes. They shared a look. "He doesn't feel like this is an emotional burden?" he asked. "He said he wants to help me forget him," I replied. They all smiled. "Does he like you?" Hyejin asked. "Yes, he's never tried to hide it," I said. "Do you?" Hyejin asked. "I don't know..." I said and they all sighed. "Dont do this, Jieun. Let go now. He's not here anymore. I know it's hard but please. Jimin is willingly accepting you as you are and plus he likes you!" Wheein said. I just nodded. "Sis, what happened with Namjoon was truly unfortunate. We're all with you whenever you need us, but it's time you start fresh now. Its been over three years. He would want you to move on too," Jungkook said. That last sentence struck a nerve. I wanted to cry. But I put on a smile, the one I always did when they started talking about me needing to move on, and nodded silently.

We headed back to the living room, where it looked like Taehyung and Jimin had finished a little talk of their own.

~Meanwhile, when Jieun, Hyejin, Wheein and Jungkook were talking~

Jimin's POV:
"Do you like her?" Taehyung asked. "More than I should," I responded. He smiled. "Hmm... Your eyes just sparkled when I asked you about her," he said. I smiled at his words. "Why is it not working then?" he asked. "She lost her ex boyfriend. They were endgame. It was pretty solid and he was gonna propose the day he died," I told him. "Oh shit," he said. "Are you sure you want to be involved in this? I mean, it could get pretty messy," he said. "I know, Tae. But I just don't want her to stop seeing me. I don't know what it is, I just want to be with her. I want her to feel better. I want her to be able to trust people. I want her to move on," I said. His eyes softened.

"You're gonna get your heart broken. Badly," he said. I nodded and said, "I know. But she's worth it."


A/N : Jimin, how so amazing? :')
Have we figured out why Namjoon is still on the chapter covers?
Also, can y'all see what kind of an argument is creeping up between Jieun and Jimin?
Do you think it's wrong of Jimin to keep wanting a romantic relationship from Jieun? Or is he helpless since he can't help who he likes?

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