Chapter 3: "I just had a meet-cute."

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Jieun's POV:
That was not my coffee order.

I was so shocked when he asked me out. I was never going to say no, he seemed like such a nice person. 'One date would never hurt', the devil on my shoulder told the angel, purely telling me to not trust a stranger. It didn't have to work out, but everything in my conscience told me to go for it.

He approached me with a silly smile and asked, "So? Should I be happy?" I smiled and said, "Do you have a pen?" He smiled so wide, his dimple popped up and he looked even cuter. He sat next to me as I wrote my number on a piece of paper. He accepted the paper and said, "I need to go to work, but I will call you. I hope to see you." I nodded and saw him walk towards the door. "Hey, Mr. Namjoon," I said. He turned around and looked at me. "Are you going to take three days to call me so that you appear a macho man and don't come off too desperate?" He broke into a laugh and said, "Oh definitely! A beautiful girl giving me her number? It's not everyday that happens. Appearing like a macho man and not seeming too desperate is totally my move!" I laughed at his response, glad he took my sarcasm lightly. I responded saying, "Ooh yes, I can see that! Fitting into the gender roles of a man having to appear 'manly' and putting societal norms before one's own wishes is so attractive to me!" He laughed a melodious laugh and said slyly, "I'm glad it is, it's my go-to move, it has always given me results." I chuckled and said, "Mhmm, I can only imagine."

He smiled and we said our goodbyes. As he walked out of the cafe, I ran to the door and shouted, "Mr. Namjoon, I'll wait for your call, and by the looks of it, it will probably happen in a couple of hours... so should I say see you soon, or see you tomorrow?" He smiled and said, "See you tomorrow, Jieun. And please, call me Namjoon." I smiled and waved.

Walking back into the cafe with a stupid grin, my best friend, Wheein, looked at me with a smile and said, "Why are you smiling like a creep?" I looked at her, smiling still, and said, "I just had a meet-cute."

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