Chapter 21: "How could she do this to me?!"

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~1 month later~

Author's POV:
Namjoon and Jieun actually grew silghtly apart this past month. Jieun was working so hard with the internship and the thesis, and so was Namjoon with the takeover, the correspodence, and music. They both hardly had time for themselves. But today, Namjoon had enough. He wanted to propose to her and today was the day. He called Jieun and told her to get ready and meet him for a fancy dinner. Jieun was reluctant, but Namjoon eventually convinced her. They agreed on 7pm to meet at the fanciest restaurant in the city. She was pretty excited, because he didn't usually suggest dates like this. As always, she called her friends to help her get ready.

As Hyejin was applying her makeup, she asked, "Do you think he's gonna propose?" "I dont know..." Jieun said, but she definitely suspected it. The mere thought of it made her heart go absolutely crazy. God, she wouldn't even think before saying yes. She loved him so so so much. But she told herself to not raise her own expectations.

~At the restaurant~

Author's POV:
Suspecting Namjoon to be there already, she walked in. The restaurant seemed very empty, but that wasnt shocking because it was a working night. As she told the waitress about the reservation, she led her to the table. When she reached the table, Namjoon wasn't there. "That's the first time I've arrived before him! Ha!" she said, smiling because she would definitely hold this over him. But to her surprise, it was 7:20 now, and Namjoon had not shown up. She decided to call him but his phone was switched off. "But he's never late," she whispered.

One whole hour went by. Namjoon still hadn't shown up. She was starting to get a little annoyed, but also concerned. She started going through her messages to see if Namjoon had left anything, but nothing. Soon, she heard a voice, "Was my brother dumb enough to keep you waiting?" Jieun looked away from her phone to find Seokjin. "Seokjin! Hi!" Jieun greeted. They said their salutations and he asked if he could join her table. She was reluctant, but agreed. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Well, our company is planning a takeover, so my manager told me to get to know their artists. I was leaving and saw a familiar face," he replied. They started a normal conversation, and Seokjin was extremely polite and well mannered.

Suddenly, he started the topic of Namjoon, "How are you two going?" "Actually well, but we've been busy, so it's been better," she replied. The two ended up having a talk about Namjoon and his silly habits and his clumsiness. They both fondly spoke of him. She was happy to see Seokjin speak nicely of Namjoon, she made a mental note to tell him about their talk. "Why are you alone here?" he asked. "Namjoon hasn't shown up yet. He's never late, I dont know what happened today. We haven't properly spent time since a whole month because of our schedules, so this really meant a lot to me," Jieun said, slight sadness in her voice. Seokjin understandably nodded. "I'm sorry for that. He's doing all of that for me. I offered to help him but he refused. How I wish he would just let me be the brother I want to be for him," he said. "Do you really want to mend it with him?" she asked. "After Alicia left him, he left me too. I called him everyday for two months, but he never responded," he said, very sadly. "What has Alicia got to do with this? Weren't you unfairly treated by your parents?" She asked, inquisitively. "Our parents? No, not at all, they loved us both equally. In fact, he's much more coddled than I am!" he said. Jieun's heart felt like it was in the pit of her stomach. Namjoon had told her a completely different story.

"Alicia ruined us. And Namjoon believed her over me," he said. "Wait, she cheated on him, but he believed her?" she asked. "The other guy was me," he said, his head hanging low. "WHAT?!" she almost yelled. "Yes, but what Namjoon saw wasn't the truth! I wanted to tell him but he just wouldn't listen! After a lot of tries, it just didn't matter anymore, I knew our relation was already tattered," he explained. "Seokjin, I am no one to meddle in this, but if he's your brother and he saw you with his girlfriend, his trust in you would break a lot more than his trust in her. I dont think you can blame him for not listening to you," Jieun said, through all the pain she was feeling about Namjoon lying to her. "Yes, but now he's in a much better relationship, what's the reason to not listen to me now?! I only tried to befriend you, Jieun. I just wanted to see that you're not like her. I wanted to make sure you won't break his heart. I was looking out for him," he said. "It's not your business how he handles heartbreak, Seokjin! You cant protect him all the time! He needs to feel things for himself! This thinking of yours is what hurt him in the first place! I understand he's your brother, but meddling in all his affairs is simply not a smart thing to do," Jieun explained. Her heart aching thinking of Namjoon. Why did he lie when she clearly asked him about his relation with his brother? Seokjin looked down in shame. He looked up at Jieun and smiled. "Thanks for that, Jieun. I really needed it. You're an incredible person," he said.

They didn't realise they were talking for a whole hour. It had been two hours but Namjoon still hadn't shown up.

~2 hours earlier~

Namjoon's POV:
I was about to exit my studio but the manager told me that J-hope was waiting for me in the lobby. I was surprised since I didn't remember telling him to meet me, but I was excited nonetheless. I imagined we would talk about which tune to go for, and then we would leave, since I had a very very very important date tonight.

I reached the lobby. "Mr. RM?" someone said. "Yes?" I said and turned. "Hoseok?!" I excitedly said. "Namjoon?!" he replied. Jung Hoseok was a good friend in school. We eventually lost touch in college, and we both got busy later so the friendship kind of dissolved. I was so happy seeing him here! "What are you doing here? I asked, smiling. "Meeting you, of course! I'm J-hope!" he said. I was so shocked I couldn't say anything. He laughed loud at my reaction. "Let's catch up, bud," he said. I didn't think twice before agreeing.

We spoke about our lives and music. He told me about his girlfriend, I told him about mine. And as soon as Jieun's topic came up, I remembered that she was in the restaurant. ALONE! OH NO! I felt a tremendous amount of guilt. No, no, no I cant screw this up! This day was supposed to be perfect! I took my phone out to call her but realised it had discharged.

Hoseok apologized for taking up my time, but this wasn't his fault. It was all mine. Could this day get worse?! I groaned in frustration. Then, a very angry manager walked in where Hoseok and I were sitting and told me, "Look at dispatch's recent upload. I told him to get to know other artists, not hang out with some girl! Seokjin can't be getting into this shit when he has new music coming up! God, how do I manage this now?!" he yelled. I told hoseok to show me what the matter is and as soon as I saw it, my heart felt like someone stepped on it.

"Singer Kim Seokjin spotted in the fanciest restaurant in Seoul, smiling fondly at a mystery stranger," the article said.

But that was no mystery stranger. That was the woman I had chosen to marry.

I couldn't think straight, all I could see was red. I banged my fists on the table and stood up, yelling, "How could she do this to me?!"


A/N : Do we see what kind of argument the two are headed for? Both are extremely upset, for two entirely different reasons.
As readers, you probably guessed what Namjoon and Seokjin had going on. But Jieun had no idea. She put her faith in the man she loved and he didn't tell her the truth.
Finding out you've been lied to really hurts. Especially when it's someone you've never lied to, or hold unbearably close to your heart.
Personally, dishonesty is a huge deal breaker for me. It is instantly off-putting, and it's never good being on the receiving end of it.

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