Chapter 59: "We'll choose eachother no matter what."

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~1 month later~

Jimin's POV:
So today was a Christmas party at the Jeon residence. Not exactly a rich-people party, but an intimate affair with the six of us and Jieun and Jungkook's parents. Her dad, I was absolutely terrified of. And today especially, because I had to ask for his daughter's last name to be replaced with mine.

I told Jieun I would go early with Jungkook and Taehyung, and she could join later with the girls. That was a cover so that I could talk to her parents first, and then the guys.

I reached the jeon residence, already sweating profusely. Everywhere. And of course her dad opens the door.

"You're way too early. I like that," he said, no smile at all. But I took that as a total win. "Sir, I wanted to talk to you," I said, surprised I didn't stutter. "Okay, come in," he said. We engaged in small talk for a while and then I was growing impatient. "Where is Mrs. Jeon? I sort of want to talk to her too," I said. She soon joined us.

"Yes, Jimin dear?" Sanghwa, Jieun's mom, said. She was intimidating, but nothing in front of Jiwoon. But then... I understood why I was there. I wanted this more than anything. And it can't be as difficult as I think it is.

"Ma'am, Sir. I want to marry Jieun." I said. There was a long pause. Okay, this was terrifying. Their expressions did not look great, but they never do, so I just decided to explain further.

"We have been together for more than three years now. I can't think of my life without her anymore. All that I am today, she's a big part of it. She's become a part of me and I am the luckiest man in the world to be the recepient of her love and affection. I'm not trying to ask for your permission, because she is no man's property and neither will she be mine if she chooses to say yes. That being said, I really hope she says yes. I hope I- we get your blessing. I will treat her right and I promise to take care of her every day. She's my love, she's my choice. Forever." I finished, finally being able to breathe.

They both shared a look and smiled at each other. "Welcome to the family, son," Mr. Jeon said. I broke into the widest smile and gave them a hug. Almost immediately, Jungkook and Taehyung showed up. Jungkook almost choked at the sight of me hugging Mr. Jeon because he knew how terrified I was of him. But as we were parting from the hug he held on to me tightly and whispered, "You're a good guy, Jimin. But if you hurt my baby daughter, I will tear you into pieces and feed you to wild hungry dogs. Capish?" and he pulled away from the hug and faced me with a smile. I gulped and nodded.

God, he gives me the chills.

When my two best friends joined us, I disclosed the news, "I'm gonna ask Jieun to marry me." "WHAT?!" "OH MY GOD!" they both said. They gave me a tight hug and we shared smiles.

"When did you know?" Tae asked. "Well, a few days ago, Jieun brought home a PhD thesis of her assistant to proof read. and she was completely geeking over how much she liked it after she finished. And then... I just knew. I could listen to her being a total nerd for hours. Hell, for my whole life. She's the most gorgeous human I've ever met, inside and out. She knows me as well as I know myself. She's so effortlessly funny. I know that we... we'll choose eachother no matter what. I love her so much. I'll never ever stop loving her. Sorry, that was a pretty lame romantic epiphany," I said sheepishly.

They were all silent for a while and Jungkook said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but your romantic epiphany is better than mine, y'all are such dorks, it's so adorable and I can't believe my sister has someone that gets her nerdy side!" We all laughed at that.

Taehyung pulled me aside and said, "Hey... remember when I told you when y'all had just started out that you were gonna get yourself hurt real bad and you said she's worth it and I didn't believe you?" "Yeah...?" I replied "Well, being wrong never felt so good," he said. I smiled and hugged him and said, "Thanks, man." We were in the hug having a nice moment when Jungkook jumped in saying, "GROUP HUG!" We included him in the hug and laughed together.

Jeon Jieun, it's official. You're my future wife.

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