Chapter 68: "Where were you?"

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~2 weeks later, next couple's therapy session~

Author's POV:
"Hello, Parks. How are you both?" Dr. Lee asked. "Well, Doc," Jimin said. Jieun smiled too. "Okay, great. We discussed the happy phases of your marriage last time. Tell me about your first big fight as a married couple," she said.

~7 years, two months ago~

Jieun's POV:
I felt a sharp pain in my belly. And water trickled down my legs.

Oh no.

Jimin wasn't home, what do I do?!

I called him. No answer. Again, and again, and again.

I called Jungkook, and told him to come home. His house was very near by, it would hardly take five minutes. He soon arrived, the pain was persistent, but I still had time to reach the hospital.

"WHERE'S JIMIN?! JUNGKOOK, WHERE THE FUCK IS JIMIN?!" I yelled when he was right at the doorstep. "Why?! What, what, what happened?!" he said, panicking. "My water just broke!" I said. Jungkook's eyes widened. He started gathering the bag Jimin and I had prepared for the day and put me in his car. "Jungkook, where is Jimin?!" I held onto him and said. "He's at an interview, alright?! He's shooting an interview for the book!" he said.

Of course he is. He told me he will not go to any of the interviews. But he still did.

"Well, call him!" I yelled. "I tried, he won't pick up!" he said. "Call his agent! His number's in my phone!" I said. "I have to get you to the hospital, Jieun!" he said. We rushed to the hospital. The pain was getting worse.

"Jungkook, please tell me Jimin will get here," I said, now with tears in my eyes. "Of course, he will. I spoke to his agent, he'll be here in no time!" Jungkook said. I took a deep breath and relaxed a little.

It had been 3 hours. Jimin was not here yet. The pain started to worsen. The doctor asked, "Are we expecting the father? You'll be delivering soon." "Yes, he's on his way, he'll be here. Please, my baby boy will not see this world without his father present," I pleaded. She looked at me with pity.

I needed Jimin so badly. Why today, of all days, Jimin? You knew our due date was near, I could go into labour any minute, and you still chose to do this. Why?

It had been another hour. No sign of Jimin. Does it take this long to finish filming? The pain was worse than ever. I couldn't think straight. My mind was filled with thoughts of my baby. I needed Jimin. I needed Jimin to be here, I needed him to be the first person to see our baby. I needed him to help me through labour. I needed him to witness the moment we dreamt about since the last nine entire months.

Wheein soon walked into the delivery room, to help me through the labour pain. I was thankful for her, but still wished she were Jimin.

"Mrs. Park, we cannot wait anymore, I'm gonna need you to deliver the baby, right now," the doctor said. "No, please, my husband will be here any minute, please can we wait just a little longer?" I said. I was crying. "I'm afraid not, Jieun. That will be extremely umhealthy for the baby. I'm gonna need you to work with me here," she said. Wheein said, "Jieun, think of your boy. Don't do this. Jimin will be here, don't worry. Just think about your baby." I looked at her with tears. And complied.

~22 hours later~

Jieun's POV:

I opened my eyes to find Jimin cradling our son. Our beautiful baby boy. Jimin looked over at me, and walked up to me with a smile. "He's gorgeous, Jieun," he said. I smiled too. He handed my baby over to me. "Hi, baby. I know you. You came outta me, you know that? I'm your mama. Hi," I said, tears already choking me up. I held my baby close to me and I already knew there was nothing I wouldn't do for him. He was my everything. "I have a name," Jimin said, "Sungho." It was perfect. "Welcome to the world, Park Sungho," I said. Jimin kissed me and our son on the forehead and we just admired him.

30 minutes of paradise later, my parents took our baby from my hands. And the time of my labour dawned on me.

"Where were you?" I asked Jimin. His expression changed from happy to guilty in no time. "I was filming and it took longer than anticipated-" he started but I cut him off, "Knowing I was a ticking time bomb?! Knowing I'd be giving birth to our child any day?! You told me you'd be there for me and not go to the interviews! How could you do this, Jimin?! I needed you! I wanted you to be here when I was in labour! I wanted you to see our baby boy the second he made his first sound in this world!"

He came closer to me and sat at my hospital bedside and said, "I know, baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't have my phone alongside me. And the second I checked it, I rushed here!" "Did your agent not tell you?! I made Jungkook call him!" I yelled, crying. "What?" he said, disbelief and betrayal on his face. "Oh, don't play dumb with me. Your agent knew! How is it possible that he didn't tell you?!" I said. "Jieun, you have to believe me, he did not tell me anything! I swear!" he exclaimed. "Enough! If you were going to come at me in this way for letting your book tour slip away from you, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you give your career up! But I was selfish and I wanted you here! But you still weren't there. Might as well have gone to the book tour!" I yelled. He stepped back. "I never thought that, for even a second, Jieun. And you're fragile right now, you've just given birth. You need to rest," Jimin said.

The words that came out of my mouth started repulsing me. He tried to kissed me on my forehead but I recoiled. "Okay, I deserve that," he said, "You're right. Might as well have gone to that book tour, if you're gonna be so cold to me literally the day our son is born."

I broke into tears at his words and he walked out of my hospital room, leaving me alone with my thoughts to cry.

Jimin's POV:
I was so angry. Not at Jieun, not the slightest bit. But if Jungkook telling my agent that my wife was giving birth is true, my agent was in for fucking hell. I walked up to Jungkook and he started, "Hey, look, it's the new dad-" but I cut him off, "Did you call my agent because I wasnt picking up?" "What?" he asked "Jungkook, I'm not in this conversation for the sake of it. I want the truth. Did you, or did you not, tell my agent about Jieun going into labour?" I said, fuming. "Yes, of course I did. Jieun made me. Here, lemme show you the chat and the calls," Jungkook said.

So it was true. My agent is a fucking douchebag.

I drove in fury to his house. He opened the door and I immediately grabbed his collar. "You scumbag," I said. "What's happening?" Jinyoung said, scared. "You chose to not tell me about my baby?!" I said. "Park, you have to understand-" he started but I interrupted, "THERE IS NO POSSIBLE JUSTIFICATION FOR YOUR ACTIONS! YOU CHOSE TO CONCEAL THAT MY BABY WAS ENTERING THIS WORLD! I MISSED THE BIRTH OF MY CHILD BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I was sobbing, but my hold on him tightened.

"You couldn't have missed that interview, Jimin! It was important for the book, for the story. Especially since you cancelled the book tour! I need to manage your publicity and it was crucial you attended the filming! I couldn't let this opportunity go waste!" he explained. "OPPORTUNITY?! You just took the most beautiful moment of my life away from me, you jerk!" I yelled. "Don't kid yourself, Park. You knew very well your wife could deliver any day. But you still said yes to the interview. Subconsciously, you still want to make up for the fact that you gave up your book tour for her," he said.

And that was it. The last straw. I punched him with all the energy I had. But that wasn't energy. That was hurt. Anger. Betrayal. I couldn't even feel the pain of punching someone right in their jaw.

He was on the floor and I said, "Nothing, I repeat, nothing is more important than her and my boy... You're fired."

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