Chapter 25: "What's the word, hummingbird?"

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Jieun's POV:
I reached Professor Park's office with my heart thumping way too loud. I knew that if he has rejected my thesis, it's with good reason. And if he has approved it, that means my thesis was brilliant. Either way, Dr. Prof. Park Youngchul was an extraordinary man who I was lucky to have as my guide.

He told me to take a seat. "Ms. Jieun... I had not expected you to challenge the traditional Freudian techniques of psychoanalysis. That was pretty bold," he said. Oh God, this is not good. "Sir, I haven't believed in Freudian practices since the minute I learned about him," I replied. I figured it would be better to be honest since I wasn't passing this anyway. "You would know I'm a staunch believer in Freud," he said. "Yes, sir," I replied. "Knowing that I was your thesis approver, you chose this?" he asked. "Yes, sir. I thought I should write about a topic I sincerely believe in rather than something I could just find data on," I said. He took a long pause and studied me. I felt like I was being psychologically evaluated.

"That was brave. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised with your thesis," he said. My eyes widened and my heart was going crazy. Do I have a chance?! "Your take on Freud was not only new, it made me think about why I was keeping up with some particular Freudian beliefs which I was too uptight to admit were outdated and mythical," he continued. "I very happily approved your thesis, Ms. Jieun. I'm proud of you," he said. He said the words I love. He was a brilliant mentor and I really looked up to him. This moment made him a fatherly figure too. Those words meant a lot coming from him.

"If you have the time, visit me. I want us to share our views. But, small advice? Dont completely shut off to Freud. Although he isn't who you believe in, he was a genius. Give him a chance. At least, try," he said. I was smiling too much. "I won't make promises, sir, but I will definitely think about it," I said. He chuckled at my response. He then explained, "It's not over yet, of course. You will need to present your thesis to a panel, and they will officially approve it, but as long as you understand and believe in your research, you're good to go." I was confident I'd do very well in my presentation. I was still just smiling, unable to fathom the situation.

As we were bidding goodbyes, he said, "Congratulations, Jieun. You worked hard. Celebrate tonight. You deserve this." My heart swelled up. I felt happy. "Thank you, sir. Not just for approving my thesis, but also for being such an excellent mentor. I'm very grateful that you were my guide. I really look up to you," I said. He smiled. And I exited the building.

I wanted to call Namjoon last since I was most eager to know his reaction. I dialed Jungkook, Wheein and Hyejin. They were all so happy.

I then dialed Namjoon.

Namjoon's POV:
As I saw Jieun's name on my phone, I was nervous. I really didn't want her to be heartbroken. She would be so crushed if her thesis got rejected. Expecting the worst, I picked up.

NJ: "What's the word, hummingbird?"

I cringed. Way to go, Namjoon. Loser.

Jieun: "I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that."
NJ: "YesPleaseThanksYou'reTheBest."

She chuckled a little and took a brief pause. I waited patiently.

Jieun: "I got it."
Jieun: "Mhmm, sort of... He said I have to present my thesis to a panel to officially receive the doctorate. He loved my thesis, Namjoon. He said he was proud of me, and that I should celebrate."

I could feel her tears of joy. I was smiling so much I felt like my face would split.

NJ: "You are a miracle, angel. I adore you, Jeon Jieun."
Jieun: "I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. So fucking much."
NJ: "Let's celebrate tonight."
Jieun: "I'll wait."
NJ: "I love you."
Jieun: "Love you too. See you."

Smiling, I hung up. Today was the day. I dialed Seokjin.

SJ: "Hey, what's up?"
NJ: "Still have the ring? I'm gonna need it for tonight."
SJ: "Oh My God, really?! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! AWW, YOU GUYSSS!"

I chuckled and hung up.

~3 hours later~

Jieun's POV:
Namjoon would show up any second now. I had prepared a nice meal for the two of us, his favourite. I knew he'd stop by to buy me a Caramel Frappuccino, just to be symbolic and weird since I still hadn't told him my real coffee order. I smiled just thinking about how perfect tonight's gonna be. I got a call from Namjoon. Smiling even wider, I picked up.

Jieun: "Okay, I know you're picking up coffee and I don't need it-"
Unknown: "Ms. Jieun? I'm calling from Seoul National Hospital. I would request you to arrive here immediately. It's regarding Mr. Kim Namjoon and we prefer to talk to you in person."

And they hung up.

What? Hospital? Why? Was he ill? I was spiralling and decided to drive.

As soon as I reached the hospital, I ran to the desk and informed the receptionist. She motioned me towards the doctor. "Doctor, I'm here for Kim Namjoon. What's wrong? I have not been informed why I was called here. Where is he?" I said, breathless. "Are you a relative? You were first on his emergency contacts list" he said. "No, I'm his girlfriend," I said. He looked at me with sad eyes and said, "He had an accident. He had multiple broken bones and lost too much blood. We couldn't save him. I'm so sorry." I felt like my world had come tumbling down. Was this a terrible nightmare? Please wake me up.

"I'm sorry, doctor, but I think you're mistaken. There's no way-" I said but he interrupted, saying, "I know this can come as a shock to you but we are not mistaken. I'm truly sorry. He was hit by a speeding car." I just collapsed, my legs gave up on me. I couldn't cry, I couldn't feel. Soon, a panting Seokjin came into view and he started shaking me by the shoulders and screaming. I couldn't even hear him. I was so numb. The receptionist came towards me, handing me Namjoon's belongings.

His car keys, his wallet in which was a photo of us, a receipt from the coffee shop where he bought a Caramel Frappuccino, and... a blue velvet box... containing a ring...

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