True Intuition

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Happy Birthday Sindhuxsuta feel free to consider this update as a birthday gift :)

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The temple was a place where the divine chakras synchronized and steadily resonated with the goodness of the world. And Dhriti, herself being the very core essence of the entire universe, found tranquility over her unknown yearnings only near the ethereal aureola of her cosmic compeer - Parvati.

A few years ago, the skilled nomads and tribes of the south that had settled near the provinces of Kolar, had ingeniously modeled an Archa Vigraha of Maa Durga to commemorate the holy day of Durgashtami resulting into the youngest of Kunti, finding her own little attachment towards it. Even in the forest of the darkest shadows and sweltering heat, the foothills of Shatashringa had begun to feel home, no longer just any ecosystem of streams, woodlands, animals and some fruits. Like an agile hummingbird fluttering in a rose bush, the only daughter of Pandu wondered and wandered around the mandira; the life-giving sunlight that seeped through the cracks of the canopy leaflets bringing out the most vivid hues of her devotion.

"Although the eclipses have their own effects on humans, pitashree had assured me that yesterday's Lunar Eclipse will end before the next morning's daybreak. O Devi Maa," An unverbalistic consternation flashed over Dhriti's face while trying to converse with the murti in front of her, "Then why is there a lingering feeling of fraught still swamping in the corners of my heart? I shouldn't have stepped out of the hut last night!" The chariot of Chanchala's mind constantly steered towards unsettling intuitions, on whose reins, her nine-year-old mind couldn't possibly grab a hold on.

"By now, the whole Aryavarta has come to know that Kunti is searching for her daughter," Kunti had set her foot in the quiet altar, a mixed guise of annoyance and relief covering her face at the sight of Dhriti circling around the vigraha, "How many times am I supposed to call your name, did you not hear me?" she continued, twisting Dhriti's ear with one hand while dissatisfyingly fastening her pallu with the other.

A trail of silly emotions quickly expressed themselves on Dhriti's little face, "Must you insist on modifying my ear, Mata? I listen to you just fine, don't I?" she scrunched her nose further, conclusively releasing herself from the grip Kunti was purposely holding onto.

"Now is not the time to determine who is my most obedient issue. Raj Mata Satyavati awaits to meet her great grandchildren, and you," The mother squinted her eyes, pointing her slender finger accusingly at the Kuru princess, "You appear to be the only one missing!"

"Wha-" Dhriti's orbs widened in alertness, the supple coccineous lips of the young girl parting at the very thought of abandoning her little philosophical quest right in the middle. "No, no Mata! I'm not going to step outside the mandir until and unless Devi Maa Parvati answers my question." She huffed, crossing her little arms against her chest while taking a defensive stance to show the displeasure over things not really going her way.

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