Eclipsed Fate

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Into the rich tapestry of icy blue nights, slender fire torches topped over each of the sardonyx and irnimite carved pillars that lighted and warmed up the entirety of the small courtroom of Hastinapura

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Into the rich tapestry of icy blue nights, slender fire torches topped over each of the sardonyx and irnimite carved pillars that lighted and warmed up the entirety of the small courtroom of Hastinapura. The illustrations of apsaras and gandharvas on the tall ceilings danced in the scintillating light divine sculptures looked down upon the velvety floor of the meeting place only to be met by the sight of a personified felony, whose soul nourished the nefariousness of the entire kingdom ; sharing a dialogue about his self-conceit with his tamed brother-in-law - The king of Hastinapura.

"What unaided yagyas and tactics do you keep fabricating every single day, Gandhar Raj? What is the outcome of all these wary liturgies?" Dhritarashtra spoke under the impression of dubeity.

"Dear Maharaj Dhritarashtra, this Shakuni's heart yearns for nothing but contentment for my sister and her family," the wicked King of Gandhar limped with a coercious smile towards the former, "This urgent yagya tends for the protection and longevity of you and your sons' prestige and prominence in the Kingdom."

"Shakuni, we have Kulguru Kripacharya, Maharishi Ved Vyas and many other revered sages in our Kingdom. You do not need to personally formulate any new ritualistic sacrifice for the same. There is no emergency." Dhritarashtra dismissed uninterestingly, provoking the manipulative side of Shakuni.

"So I assume that if instead of Kumar Duryodhan, one of Pandu's children get the right over the throne of Hastinapura, you, being a very benevolent brother and an idol of jurisdiction, won't have any problem with it. Am I right, the successor of Vichitravirya?" Shakuni squinted his eyes, only expecting a reply that would favour his forthcoming ploys.

"I am the Emperor of Hastinapura and my sons, the only and only successors to it. What more security does this simple fact require and who is going to unabide to my words?" The King inquired, lines on his forehead becoming more visible.

"You must remember, Maharaj Dhritarashtra, that the Kurus' kingdom and dynasty are more akin to a democratic monarchy than a totalitarian one. The public and their needs are served by the royals, not the other way around. Have you not seen, even a decade after her birth, your subjects' delight at learning that Pandu has given birth to a daughter? Not only in Hastinapur but also throughout the entire Aryavarta, the story has spread like wildfire! Gaining the faith and confidence of your subjects and common people is necessary if you want to continue ruling the land as an unwavering Emperor." Shakuni kept circling Dhritarashtra. Waiting for the sightless King to fall into his accursed gambit, "So that even if Pandu were to return home, God forbid, he would not be able to restore the people's confidence and faith.

"What possible harm can a trifling ten year old girl cause to the fortune of such a big Kingdom? She'll eventually met the fate of other princesses whose identity relinquishes under the veils of their household responsibilities. They do not possess any prerogative of meddling with the affairs," Dhritarashtra's arrogance peaked as he chuckled even more diabolically, "Certainly not when their incompetent father is a murderer of innocent sages."

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