SagarSujata to PrithaDuhita

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"Maiya mori, mai nahi makhan khayo!"

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"Maiya mori, mai nahi makhan khayo!"

Krishna's loud pleas quaked through the walls of Nanda's dwelling as the naughty little dark Lord fled past Yashoda, who chased her Kanhaiya with a stick in her hand.

"Today I won't spare you one bit, Lalla!" The fortunate mother panted, "Every single day I wake up to the Gopis grumbling about your ‛art' of stealing their butter. Tujhe aaj dand nahi diya toh mera naam bhi Yashoda Maiya nahi!" She shrieked, finally grabbing a hold of her son whose mouth was smeared with makhan.

A quick giggle escaped the berry like lips of Devi Lakshmi, who in Śhrīpīṭha, was merrily meditating upon the leelas of her beloved.

"Is there any mother who punishes her lovely child? I tell you, I have personally never seen such a Maiya." Krishna comically muttered, looking back at a glaring Yashoda.

"Oh really? Now you won't be able to 'personally' see anything because I'm going to tie you against this woodden mortar!" Yashoda sneered, collecting ropes to tie her son's hands, "Now no more monkey business before I return back from the banks of Yamuna!"

"Mamishree! Anarth hogaya, Mamishree!" The tender smile on the lips of Lakshmi, who was bouyantly enjoying the Baal Leelas of her Lord, weakened at the sight of a troubled Ganesha and his elder brother.

"Mamishree! Anarth hogaya, Mamishree!" The tender smile on the lips of Lakshmi, who was bouyantly enjoying the Baal Leelas of her Lord, weakened at the sight of a troubled Ganesha and his elder brother

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Mahalakshmi in Shripitha

Rising from her seat, she inquired in concern, "Putra Ganesh, Putra Kartikeya... What misfortune?"

"Uh. De-Devi Tirangini ―" The elephant headed lord stuttered.

"Mata Tirangini! What happened to her?"

"Well, Devi Tirangini has ―
Oh Mamishree... I do not have any answer to your questions at the moment. But just so you know, Devi Tirangini wants you to be present at Samudra Loka at this very moment!" Kartikeya revealed in a haste, making the Vaikuntha Samragyi ready to leave her abode expeditiously.

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