The Dawn of Dharma

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The post midnight time ticked close towards the emergence of dawn, yet the receding gradient of the obsidian sky and the presence of Chandra Dev in his full glory looked picturesque to Kunti's lucid eyes, articulating with linings of hope

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The post midnight time ticked close towards the emergence of dawn, yet the receding gradient of the obsidian sky and the presence of Chandra Dev in his full glory looked picturesque to Kunti's lucid eyes, articulating with linings of hope. Hope to bestow the mighty and venerated Kuruvansh with an inheritor, worthy of everything her husband once wished to accede and devote himself to.

A cold breeze swept past her and Pandu as they stood, the latter in a bittersweet anxiousness whil the former with her mind codensing down to the chant entrusted to her by Rishi Durvasa.

"You're like the gratification for Kuruvansh, Kunti. We can beget a son who is a scholar of righteousness, knowledgeable of justice and one who can the perfect successor of my Jyesth Bhrata." Pandu's exhilarating words ringed in Kunti's ears as she walked towards the dimly lit sky.

Illuminating clouds quickly surrounded the stygian sky as the Vedic Lord slowly manifested himself.

"Kunti, being please with your invocation, I, Dharmaraj, have appeared in front of you." Dharmaraj appeared his splendor, lighting up the dim of the early dawn around him.

Kunti and Pandu's gaze slowly travelled up to greet Yamraj with their obeisances, "You have supplicated me with your prayers, so you must have a desire to obtain a child." Continued the Lord of Death and Justice.

"Not only a child, lord; I want a son instilled with your facet and attributes in him." Kunti pleaded.

"We want a son who shall be determined in his righteousness, who can be a mentor of his kingdom at every phase of his life. A child who will be a reason of gladness for my ancestors." Pandu deferentially continued the pleas.

Yamraj assented at their abstemious wishes, "May prestige always be illustrious upon you both for your nobility of putting Dharma and the qualities of righteousness before any wordly power or riches." A humble smile was quickly cast across Yamraj's majestic face, as he began to speak more.

"Righteousness stems from mercy, which comes from justice. And justice, whose basis lie in one's stability and patience. In all the battles, struggles and shaky momentums life has to offer;
he who remains calm and inperturable, he who doesn't care about relationships and self-benefit before pronouncing a descision in favour of the Dharma can be the only one to situate righteousness in his heart." The ruler of Yamalok continued, finding both Pandu and Kunti eyeing up at him, just as attentively.

"Your son shall be decked with these capabilities." He completed as Kunti stepped even further, unfolding both her arms so as to hold a child in them.

Her heart raced as she watched the divine energy coursing through Yamraj, getting channeled down in her arms, slowly forming into a figurine. Kunti's vision mildly began to pinwheel around the illuminance surrounding her now son as she closed her welled up eyes in satisfaction, relishing the sudden fulfilment in her life.

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