Connecting Through Aura! CH-2

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Chapter 2 - Connecting Through Aura!

Hello new reader and welcome to the 2nd chapter of my story! This is the first time I'm writing my own story so don't be too harsh on me. Anyway, I hope you like my work and maybe I might see you in the next chapter again!

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Narrator: After leaving Alola behind them, Ash and Pikachu were now on their way  back to Kanto and to finally go home. But little do they know there was something about to happen...

''Everyone hold on tight! There will be some turbulance and unfortunately we have to land in the Sinnoh region. Don't worry, as soon as the storm passes we'll let you know when we will continue the flight towards Kanto.'' The flight attendant spoke throught the intercom. 

"Ah man... I was really looking forward to get back home as soon as possible!'' Ash said, feeling a little bummed. However, de didn't really mind spending some more time in Sinnoh. ''There is nothing we can do about it, so let's make the best out of it Pikachu." Ash said, with a small smile on his face.

''Pika pi.'' Pikachu agreed.

20 minutes later when the plane safely landed at the airport in Veilstone City. Both Ash and Pikachu hopped off the plane and left the terminal. it wasn't long before they were back on the familiar streets of Veilstone City.

"We're here Pikachu. What do you say, wanna explore a little?" Ash suggested, clenching his fist as he couldn't hide his excitement.

''Pika!'' Pikachu nodded, feeling excited.

"Great, let's go then!" Ash flashed a smile. ''Honestly, it feels good to be back in Sinnoh again. Maybe we should go to Reggie. Maybe we can see if Paul is home. Then, we definetly challenge him for another battle!" Ash grinned, already getting excited by the prospect of a battle against one of his strongest rivals.

Pikachu, just like his trainer, started feeling excited aswell. He jumped of his trainer's shoulder and started running into the direction of Reggie's house. But as they were running, they suddenly noiced something. There was a bidpedal blue and black pokemon running away. it looked hurt and Ash was quick to identify it as a Riolu.

''Come Back here!'' One of two men yelled at the hurt fighting pokemon. "Machoke!'' The man's partner yelled. but there were two of them aswell.

''That doesn't look good Pikachu!'' Ash shouted. ''Let's follow them!''

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted with his face turned serious. The two of them immediately started running after them.

Ash and Pikachu chased them for a while. but then,they saw Riolu getting cornered by the two men and their Machoke. They became worried and picked up their pace.

"Now we've got you little one!'' One of the men shouted. ''Come with us or we'll take you with force!" The other ordered.

Suddenly, Riolu put it's paws together and formed a blue orb between them. then, it fired it straight at their Machoke. However, both Machokes hands started glowing orange and they blocked the attack with the Karate Chop move.

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