Masterclass Finals! ~ CH-107

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Chapter 107! Another chapter is finished and this is the second of a three part performance. I hope you like the performance I've written for you guys today. It wasn't easy and i tried to be clear as possible. Let me know what you think of it! Now, with further a do, enjoy this chapter that I present you!

Wordcount: 6411

Important info: Monsieur Pierre will be speaking in analytics: like this.

Narrator: Last time, Serena started the showcase with a quiz round. However, she needed a partner who turned out to be Ash!

Together, they faced off against Trixy and Mason, and Calem and Miette. Ash and Serena were on the brink of losing, being 2 to 1 down before making it two all. Then, Miette had the chance to answer the last question first.

Luckily for Ash and Serena though, it was a trick question and thanks to Ash's experience with the question, the duo managed to move on to the next round.


The three teams left the stage. Mason explained Trixy a lot of times how sorry he was. Trixy however looked like she was dealing with it pretty well. In fact, she looked happier. She also looked a lot closer with Mason than before, only having met on stage.

Calem tried to console Miette as she tried to act though about the loss. Serena however was very happy with her win. She was especially happy that Ash managed to answer both of the questions correctly for them.

Serena held Pikachu in her arms as they walked back to the dressing room. Once they got their and stopped infront of the door, Ash said: "Come Pikachu. Let's head back to the stands!" Motioning Pikachu to hop on his shoulder.

"Don't!" Serena said, causing both Ash and Pikachu to pause. "I-I mean, you can stay here with me..." Serena said, blushing slightly while tipping her indexfingers against one another.

"I'd love to, but isn't that weird?" Ash frowned. He thought that they weren't allowed to be in the dressing room. Especially with all the other performers in there.

"Sure, why not?" Serena asked, raising her eyebrow.

"If you say so..." Ash said a bit hesitant. Serena opened the door and stepped inside. Pikachu was still in her arms while Ash followed her inside.

It was a large room, filled with mirrors, dresses and other accessory. Just like Ash thought, the room was filled with other performers who were readying themselves. But unlike he thought, they didn't pay any attention to him. Serena walked over to her stool and sat down infront of the mirror. She pulled another stool from under the table infront of her where all her make up and stuff was on.

She patted the stool. "Come, sit down!" She said with a beaming smile and gleaming eyes. Ash did as she asked and sat down next to her, smiling at her happiness.

"Next round is the performance round and the final immediately. If I manage to win that, I'm up against Aria again!" Serena said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"And this time, you're gonna win it!" Ash added as he pumped his fist infront of his chest. The lights of the dressing room made his eyes sparkle, just like it did with Serena's.

Serena smiled before she leaned in and hugged him. "Thanks..." She wispered in his ear.

Just as they were in a hugging position, Miette walked over to them. Serena noticed her and broke the hug before turning towards her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't interrupt anything." She said with an apologetic look in her eyes.

"No-no not at all!" Serena said, waving with her hands infront of her. Miette gave her a small smile before her face turned sad again. Her eyes looked wet, showing that she was on the brink of crying.

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