A Mega Showdown! CH-58 (2/2)

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Last time Ash and Sawyer started their much anticipated battle. Ash chose Noivern while Sawyer starts off with Salamence. Both Pokemon started of even and gave it their all for their trainers.

"Noivern, use Acrobatics!" Ash shouts with much passion.

"Don't think so! Salamence, counter with Dragon Tail!" Sawyer yells, holding his notebook with a tight grip.

Noivern body starts to glow in a blur aura as it rushes, zig-zagging trough the air towards Salamence. Salamence however starts to prepare as it's tail get's surrounded by a green, scale like aura.

Salamence has a difficult time reading movements of Noivern who flies at high speed, which almost seems like a blur towards Salamence. Just when it's about tp strike, Salamence flips it's body and strikes hard. Both attacks collide and both pokemon cry out as they fight for dominance over the other as their trainers follow their actions closely. Then a massive explosion occurs and from the smoke, both pokemon plummet to the ground.

"Noivern!!" "Salamence!!" Both trainers yell in unison as the two dragon and flying types hit the ground, creating a small cloud of dust.

As the smoke fades, both pokemon are on the ground, covered in scratches and bruises.

"Come on Noivern! I know you can get up, I believe in you!" Ash yells towards his beloved dragon type.

"Come on Salamence! Stand up, this battle is far from over!" Sawyer shouts desperately.

Both pokemon groan in pain but eventually Noivern was first to move his head up, looking at Salamence who stared right back in his eyes. They could see eachother struggling because of the pain but both refused to go down that easily. Eventually both manage to rise up again, giving eachother a smile of respect.

"That's it! I knew you could do it!" Both Ash and Sawyer say in unison.

"I see what they are doing." Gary says, causing some confused looks.

"What do you mean Gary?" Clemont asks.

"They're testing eachother out. Salamence and Noivern know that they are far stronger than this." Gary explains.

"I see what you mean Gary." Brock says as he examines both pokemon.

"This battle has more spiciness then I expected. Both still have the bitter taste of their last encounter in their mouth and want to pull through to taste the sweet aroma of victory!" Cilan almost sings as Iris and Dawn sweatdrop next to him.

"Oh Ash..." Serena almost wispers worriedly, holding her hand in her precious blue ribbon.

Ash and Sawyer smile at eachother before Sawyer commands his next move. "Salamence, Flamethrower!"

Within a split second, Salamence opens his mouth and fires off a jet of flames towards Noivern.

"Quick! Block it with Dragon Claw and follow up with Boomburst!" Ash counters confidently.

Noivern cries out it's name before it's claws start to glow green. He holds them right infront of him, trying to block the incoming streak of flames. Noivern struggles as it gets pushed back by the amazing power.

"Come on Noivern! You can do it!" Ash shouts.

Thanks to Ash's encouragement, it manages to steady itself and push the flames back, giving it enough time to quickly fly up. As Noivern reaches the preferred altitude, it fires off a powerful wave of soundwaves from it's supersonic ears.

If that attack hits, it might be over for Salamence. Sawyer thinks. "Salamence! Quick, use Hyper Beam!" Sawyer yells as he watches Boomburst getting closer.

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