Using Fire to Melt the Ice! CH-47

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The battle between Gary and Wulfric is about to het underway, Wulfric decided to start off with Avalugg while Gary chose his Magmortar.

"So, Gary's Magmar evolved.." Ash says while Brock silently agrees with him.

"A Magmortar? I've never seen that pokemon before!" Serena says as she grabs her pokedex.

Pokedex: Magmortar, the Blast Pokemon and the evolved form of Magmar. Magmortar has at the end of both arms a large canon which it is able to blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees F from. It is said that Magmortar lives deep inside volcanic craters.

"That sure is a strong pokemon Gary has" May comments while looking at the massive fire type in awe. Shauna smiled at the comments of her friends while looking at Gary, slightly nervous.

"It's so.... CUTE!" Bonnie shouts, tempted to run onto the field, wanting to hug it.

Serena chuckles. "That's Bonnie for you."

"Let's start things off with Flamethrower!" Gary shouts as he points at Avalugg.

Magmortar cries out his name before he points his two cannons straight at his opponent. He carefully aims and from both cannons appears a streak of fire which flies at rapid speed towards Avalugg.

"You think we don't have a way to counter fire type attacks? Avalugg deflect it with Gyro Ball!" Wulfric shouts with a confident smirk on his face.

Gary however knew that Wulfric wanted to counter it this way as he had seen with Wulfric's previous battle against Ash, causing Gary to smirk aswell.

Avalugg stood on his hind legs and started spinning at a fast pace. The Flamethrower attack hits Avalugg but due to the spinning, it barely does anything.

"Keep using Flamethrower!" Gary shouts.

As Magmorter trusts his trainer, the beam of fire from his cannons start to become a little bit bigger as he keeps firing it at Avalugg who is still spinning.

Wulfric notices what Gary's up to and says. "Avalugg spin away and in the meantime use Avalanche!"

Avalugg keeps spinning but it does not manage to move away from the Flamethrower. In the process of that, a dark grey cloud appears above Magmortar and from that, large boulders of ice drop right on top of it's head.

Magmortar cries out in pain, even though the attack isn't very effective. It still manages Magmortar to stop its Flamethrower attack.

Avalugg uses this opportunity to stop spinning and stand on all four of his legs again.

Everyone looked at Avalugg who was covered in cuts and bruises while it was heavily panting.

"B-but how is that possible? Ash's Houndoom couldn't do a thing yesterday." Serena says as she looks at the Ice Berg pokemon.

"You are right about that Serena but the difference is, Gary's Magmortar kept using Flamethrower. At first Avalugg was able to deflect it but Magmortar kept firing the attack and pointed at one spot of Avalugg's body, causing that part to heat up and eventually seriously hurt it." Brock says, explaining the situation.

After Ash hears what Brock said, he look at his long time rival with a smile on his face.

"Very smart to use my own attack against me Gary. But as you see, we are a long way from done so show me what you've got." Wulfric says.

"Right! And you're gonna be sorry you said that! Magmortar, use Fire Punch on the battlefield now!" Gary shouts.

While everyone looks at Gary in confusion, Magmortar smirks and his arms starts to light up in fire before it starts to punch the ground rapidly.

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