The Battle of Legends! CH-100 MOVIE SPECIAL

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Before we start off, a few words from your author. First of all, I want to thank you for your patience. It has taken way to long to create this chapter and I'm most grateful for everyone who still reads this book, who keeps voting and most of all commenting. Reading all those positive comments makes my day more than any of you could ever know and fills me with happiness.

And for the second note. For now, I'm changing up to 1 upload a week to get back into the rhythm of things. I know, this isn't what you'd like to hear but I feel it is necessary. This means that Friday will be the upload day for new chapters. Now, without further a do, I present you chapter 100, enjoy!

Voice of an elderly woman: Long, long ago when life on earth was simple. Farmers worked together with species they called Beasts, tilling the lands. Fishermen fishing in the seas and rivers with the help of their water type beasts. Explores who explored the many lands the world had to offer, along the help of beasts which made them to trek greater distances. These species coexisted along the many people who lived on the land, villages and others who roamed the forest, mountains or seas. Some called them friends, others called them their proporties and then there were the ones who hunted them.

One day, a group of explorers encountered a large cave. The cave was known as the cave of Origin. The explorers entered the cave along with a large fire type beast which provided them light in the darkness.

It wasn't long as the group explorers reached the deepest part of the cave where they stumbled on an overwhelming sight. A large lake was infront of them, filled with beasts they had never seen before. The walls of this part of the cave were muddy but it still stood strong. The roof of the cave was covered in a glowing substance which provided the light inside the cave.

As one of the explorers made his way closer to the lake, something caught his eye. In the middle of the lake was a large altar like structure, holding a blue coloured ball in the middle of it.

"What's that?" One of the explorers commented.

"I don't know but it surely looks valuable. This is an amazing discovery!" The other spoke.

The group of explorers were thrilled with their finds. However, what they found was no ordinary thing. The thing they found was way more dangerous they expected.

Then, one of the explorers made its way over to the small piece of land the altar was on. His eyes sparkled as his eyes locked with the blue crystal like ball. He reached out to the ball and touched it. But then... greed overtook his mind. The explorer became possessed by the ball and markings covered his body, markings that represented something ancient.

Then, on an island, miles, miles away, a group of hunters hunted for beasts near the base of a vulcano. They climbed the vulcano and soon reached its peak. As they reached the peak, a large altar came into view. The group of hunters closed in on it and gasped on what they saw. A crystal like, round object was sitting in the middle. It was red by colour and shined brightly. One of the hunters reached out for it. They thought that they found something valuable but soon, everything changed for the worst. Once the hunter touched it, his fate was the same as the explorer who touched the blue object. He became obsessed with greed and he became covered in markings, but different markings compared to the explorer.

Both groups of explorers and hunters became engulfed in fear as their comrade was chanting something in a demonic voice. But then, when everything seemed to be as bad as it could, two gigantic beasts emerged from the water and magma.

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