Z-Move Mastery! ~ CH-94

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"Hi everyone! I want you to meet Beldum and Absol!" Serena said proudly, pointing towards the new born pokemon that were beside them.

Narrator: It is early in the afternoon and our heroes just arrived at Mallow's family restaurant. Right there, they were unexpectedly met by the whole gang plus the two professors.

"Amazing! So these two eggs turned out to be a different coloured Absol and Beldum! What a rare sight to see!" Kukui said excitedly. Rotomdex was flying around them, taking pictures to update its data. The two pokemon looked on in confusion.

"They look awesome---" Mallow and Lana fangirled the two pokemon. "And not to mention cute!" Lullie squealed after she wiped her lips with her napkin. They were having lunch together like they used to do when Ash liked in Alola.

"I bet that they're strong aswell!" Kiawe commented, inspecting the two pokemon who sweatdropped. Both were still a bit shy and stepped back slowly behind their trainers legs.

Ash and Serena chuckled, looking at their scared pokemon. "It's okay you two. They are our friends and they wouldn't hurt you." Serena kneeled down on and placed both her hands on their heads. "Yeah, everything is gonna be fine!" Ash added, smilingly.

The two pokemon nodded, before slowly stepping forward.

"So cute---!" Mallow squealed. "They really see you two like their parents!" Lillie added. Ash and Serena blushed at their remark while looking at eachother from their eye corners.

"I know! Why don't we go to the beach!" Mallow suggested all of a sudden.

Serena's face lit up as she looked at Ash. "Let's do it!" She smiled looking over at his smile. "Sure! Then, our pokemon can roam around aswell." Ash agreed.

"Then it's settled!" Lillie said, grabbing her bag. "I'll ask my brother if he comes aswell, let's meet at professor Kukui's house in an hour okay?"

"Sure!" Ash yelled, pumping his fist into the air.


"Where are Ash and Serena? They should've been here 10 minutes ago." Sophocles groaned. It was now ten minutes later than they had agreed on.

"There they are!" Lillie said, pointing towards the otherside of the beach while she held her white fedora with her other hand. Gladion stood next to her with his hands crossed and his eyes closed. He didn't want to come as he disliked swimming but he couldn't say no to his little sister.

"Hey guys! Sorry were late!" Ash yelled across the beach, waving at the group of friends. As they finally reached them, Serena started explaining. "Yeah, sorry... Its just that Mr smart pants here forgot to put suncream in his bag... now we had to buy a new tube." Serena sighed as Ash scratched his cheek in embarrassement.

Everyone sweatdropped in response. "Let's go guys!" Ash said, Changing the topic.

A few moments later, Mallow, Lillie and Serena were laying on their towel in the sand, sunbathing. Serena wore a pink bikini, Lillie a white one and Mallow green. Gladion sat behind them, patting his Umbreon. He was wearing his usual attire. Everyone's pokemon were either playing, sleeping or swimming.

Kiawe, Lana, Sophocles and Ash were in the water, playing and sometimes even fooling around. They all had a great time together. Lana wore a blue swimsuit, while the boys wore swimming shorts in their own respective colours.

After a while, Ash stepped a few feet away from the others, catching his breath from all the splashing and playing. Then, he looked over at the beach where he saw Serena, Lillie and Mallow sunbathing.

Ash slowly snaked his way like a Serviper hunting a Zangoose around the girls, making sure none of them even noticed him. As he slowly appeared next to Serena, a mischievious grin plastered across his face.

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