Persistence ~ CH-131

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Chapter 131 - Persistence

Ash vs Paul, the 2nd part. Sorry that it took a bit longer than expected but it's out now! I would like to know something though... I was thinking of adding some music in some of the upcoming chapters but my question is, do you actually listen to it when reading? Let me know. Now without further a do -

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Important info: The commentator will be written in Italics.

League scoreboard:
Bold: Trainer/Pokemon name

Italics: Fainted Pokemon

Underline: Resting Pokemon

(Pokeball): Unrevealed Pokemon

For example - Trainer A: Poke1, Poke2, Poke3, Poke4, Poke5 (Pokeball), Poke6 (active one)

Wordcount: 8946



Narrator: The semi final match ups revealed to be Ash versus Paul, maybe Ash's strongest rival yet.

Ash was quite nervous for the battle but thanks to some encouraging words from Serena, he managed to prepare himself for the battle.

The battle started off with a lot of tactical moves by Paul. Setting up a Stealth Rock while tactically switching pokemon. This way, he took out Ash's first Pokemon Torterra, who proved to be a strong opponent as it kept hanging in there.

Next up was Lucario, who made his league debut. With some out of the box thinking, Lucario skillfully took down Paul's Garchomp to even the score.

Ash couldn't celebrate for long though as Paul's Torterra made quick work of Lucario before it faced Ash's third, Floatzel. Both pokemon went head to head and the result, which was a draw, was surely the right outcome. Making the halfway result 3-2 in Paul's advantage.

We join them now as the second part of the battle will get underway.


The new battlefield slotted into place and both Ash and Paul walked up to their respective platforms. Looking at the new field that had appeared, they were quite surprised to see a snowy surface, along with some Pine and Spruce trees in there.

"Looks like a snow field is up next!"

Ash was unfazed by the new field. There wasn't much that he could use to his advantage with this new field. Paul however had Weavile and Ash knew that he had to be on top of his game to make sure that Weavile couldn't get the best out of the field.

Ash expected Paul to go with Weavile so his next pokemon had to be a strong one. He took out a pokeball and enlarged it while facing Paul with a confident smile.

Paul kept a stoned gaze as he took out his pokeball. He had already decided how he wanted to continue the battle and he had faith that he made the right decision.

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