The Challenger! CH-66

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Narrator: Last time, our heroes left Mega Island without finding what they came for, the Lucarionite. However, Ash found a Keystone and later on a Mega stone in the sand on the beach. Now they reach the dock of Shalour City as Korrina has a challenger waiting. What our hero's don't know, it's a familiar one.

"We're back grandpa!" Korrina yelled as she docked the boat before hopping off.

"Good, the challenger hasn't arrived yet. Did you manage to get the Lucarionite?" Gurkinn asked as he came walking over.

"Unfortunately not Gurkinn, there was only a mega stone." Ash said in a downed manner while Pikachu and Lucario both put their heads down.

"That's sad to hear Ash, I'm sure you'll find it someday. Let's get in to the gym now, the challenger could be here any minute now!" Gurkinn exclaimed, trying to lift the mood.

"Actually, I need to get Houndoom and Lucario to the pokemon center for some check ups. They battled and I don't want them being hurt or something. I'll be right back!" Ash said as he started walking off.

"Understandable. We'll see you during the gym battle then!" Gurkinn said. "Don't take too long Ash, otherwise the battle might be over, just like your chances on a starter when we left for our journey." Gary teased, hoping for a bite.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back." Ash  chuckled as he walked towards the main land over the narrow path which was formed by the sea tide.

"No chance for a starter?" Korrina asked in confusion as she, Gurkinn and Gary entered the gym. "Yeah, he overslept the day he became a trainer. I'll tell you everything about it!" Gary exclaimed, unable to control his laughter while hugging his stomach.

A few moments later, Ash stepped inside the pokemon center and walked over to the counter. Nurse Joy stood there with a Wigglytuff by her side. "Hello, is there anything I can help you with?" She greeted.

"Hello nurse Joy, Could you please check on my pokemon?" Ash asked politely. She nodded and put a tray infront of her and placed it on the counter. "Put your pokeballs in here and I'll be back in a couple minutes." She said with a smile.

"Thanks!" Ash exclaimed as he grabbed his four pokeballs and placed them on it. Pikachu hopped of Ash's shoulder and landed on the tray, next to the pokeballs while Lucario made his way over to the side of the counter and they followed nurse Joy into the hallway, to another room.

"Hmm.." Ash said as he put his hands in his pocket and felt the keystone and mega stone again. "I should call professor Sycamore, maybe he knows which pokemon this mega stone belongs to." He said in his head as he walked over to the phone. He typed in the number and a little bit later professor Sycamore's face popped up.

"Hello professor, I wondered if you could help me with something." He asked.

Meanwhile at the Shalour City gym

"Hello! I'm here for my rematch!" A voice yelled as the person opened the door of the gym. "Chill out Max, they already know we're coming." Bonnie exclaimed, shrugging her shoulders. "Nenene" Dedenne exclaimed.

"Uhh-- you're right." Max said, sweatdropping as he entered the gym. He walked over to the main hall, right before entering the battlefield. "Goodluck Max, I'll be in the stands, cheering for you." Bonnie said as she walked towards the stands.

"Thanks..." Max said as he looked at her walking away. He took a deep breath before opening the huge door infront of him which was the only thing that was between him and his rematch.

He opened the doors. "Welcome back Challenger!" Korrina said in a stern and totally serious voice. "I see you're back. I expect you to give me a bigger challenge than last time." She said.

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