An Unexpected Challenge! CH-50

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Ash and Serena made their way over to the classroom where they could register for the Tag-Tournament. Luckely for them they were quite early so it didn't take them long to register.

"Now that's settled!" Ash says happily, marching forward with an equally happy Pikachu on his shoulder and a grinning Lucario next to him.

Serena giggles as she glances towards her boyfriend, glad Ash is happy which makes her excited for the tournament aswell.
I really want to win that princess key and not to mention that pokemon egg, most of all, I'm glad that I got Ash by my side. Serena thought to herself.

"Hey Serena!" She hears suddenly, breaking her out of her train of thoughts. It was Shauna who was approaching them with a friendly smile on her face. "Could you help me out with something?" She asks.

"Sure Shauna, what do you want?" Serena asks.

"Uhm... It's kinda private..." She replies as she gave a glance towards Ash.

Ash quickly got the message. "Alright, guess I see you guys later then?" He says before he pecks Serena on her cheek.

"Yeah, we meet up in the cafeteria in a bit?" Serena asks, Looking at Ash who has Pikachu on his shoulder and Lucario next to him.

"Sure thing! Now come guys!" Ash says as he looks back at his pokemon before walking away with them.

When Ash is out of sight, Serena asks. "Whats up Shauna?"

"Uhm... It's about Gary..." She replies nervously.

"I think I know what you mean" Serena says with a teasing smile as Shauna gives her a confused look..
"I noticed you've got a crush on him."

"WHAT!" Shauna says covering Serena's mouth who's taken aback by Shauna's sudden actions. "Not so loud please!" Shauna wispers, making Serena chuckle.


"Now Pikachu and Lucario, let's train for the tournament!" Ash says, clenching his fist out of excitement.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu smiled confidently while he also clenches his fist. Lucario barks in excitement, Ash had to stop him otherwise he was now rushing towards the battlefield outside.

"Lets go then guys!" Ash exclaims as he starts running with Lucario following him. Suddenly out of the corner of Ash's eye, he sees long blond hair and a black coat.

"Huh?" Ash says as he shoots a glance towards the person.

"Cynthia!" Ash shouts, looking at the person.

The person stops walking als turns around. "Ash?" She asks.

Ash smiles as he runs over to her. "Hey Cynthia! How are you? It's been a long time since I saw you last in Unova!" Ash says happily.

Cynthia smiles at his enthusiasm. "Good Ash, what about you? Still chasing your dream of becoming a pokemon master?"

"Ofcourse!" Ash says happily as he clenches his fist.

Cynthia gives him another soft smile before she asks. "I've heard you've become the first Alolan Champion, congratulations Ash."

"Yeah thanks! Even though Alola is one of the lesser known regions, I'm still glad I made it 1 step closer to my dream!" Ash says.

"Good, what are you doing now?" Cynthia asks, genuenly interested.

"Well, I moved to Kalos with my mom and Gary. I'm studying here at Sycamore High while I'm working my way towards the World League." Ash replies.

"The World League huh? I guess that if you win, you might challenge my elite 4 and maybe me?" Cynthia says.

"Yeah! Speaking of which, how did Tobias do after he won the Sinnoh League? Did you eventually face him?" Ash asks, curious how the man with his legendary pokemon did.

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