Taking the Forest to the Skies! CH-6

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Last time we left off by Dragonite joining Ash's team and now are Ash and Gary walking through Viridian forrest. As they are walking, Gary notices something isn't right...

Gary: Hey Ash? Don't you think it's awfully quiet here?

"What do you mean Gary?" Ash replied with a confused look on his face.

Gary: Well, we are walking here since the start of the evening and normally you should be able to hear and see some pokemon.

"Now that you mention it.." Ash said in a low voice while thinking.




They see a flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto fly over at high speed.

Ash: What's that all about?

Gary: It looks like these Pidgey and Pidgeotto are trying to flee for something, but what?


A massive Fearow flies over them chasing the flock


Gary: It looks like that Fearow is chasing them away!

"Why?" Ash asked.

Gary: I think it marks this place as it's territory!

Ash: We have to do something! We can't leave those Pidgey and Pidgeotto! Pikachu use Thunderbolt on Fearow!

"PikaaaCHUUUUU" It squealed while releasing a bolt of electricity and shoots it towards Fearow

The Fearow barely dodges the Thunderbolt attack and looks angry at Ash, Pikachu, Riolu and Gary.
Then it launches a powerful Gust attack wich makes them almost fall over.

Gary: This Fearow surely is strong! And it being able to fly gives Pikachu a disadvantage, even if electric attacks are super effective.

Ash: You can admire it later Gary, we need to take it down so the Pidgey and Pidgeotto are safe! (Enlarges another pokeball)

Gary: Uhh, you're right! (Scratches the back of his head out of embarrasement and grabs his Pidgeot's pokeball)

Gary & Ash: "We need your help so come on ou-" both getting cut off while holding the pokeball still.

At the moment when they wanted to throw Pidgeot and Dragonite's pokeball they got stopped by a loud screech.

"PIDGEOOOTTTTT" it screeches while smashing into Fearow with a Brave Bird attack.

Fearow gets hit hard and smashes into a tree. Then Pidgeot descends a bit and starts to hover over them not noticing them while keeping a close eye on Fearow.

Gary: Look at that massive Pidgeot!!

Ash: Yeah and it sure is strong!

Then Fearow gets up and screeches back at Pidgeot.



Gary: Ash, it looks like these 2 have a fierce rivalry with eachother for a long time now.

Ash: Really? How do you know?

Gary: If you look at them, they really must hate eachother and you can see how strong they both are.

Ash: I think I know what you mean. He said while thinking
"Wait could it be??"

Gary: What Ash?? He asked with curiousity all over his face.

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