Homecoming ~ CH-99

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Narrator: Ash and Serena were both sitting in their seats. It was dark outside as they were entering Kalos's airspace. Both of them were sleeping peacefully with Serena's head on Ash's shoulder and his head ontop of hers. Both held hands as a small smile was visible on their faces. Pikachu was curled up in a ball on Serena's lap. The plane is supposed to land in a hour, finishing up their long, 13-hour flight. They were supposed to land at 6 am in the morning in Alolan time. But in Kalos time, it would be three hours earlier so it would be at 3 AM.

Pikachu let out a yawn as he stretched himself, slowly waking up. He looked at Serena, seeing her in deep sleep. Then, he looked towards Ash, also being in a deep slumber. He gave a small smile before curling up again in order to try to sleep a bit longer.


"Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. We'll be landing in a few minutes in Lumiose City, Kalos. We want to thank you for flying with Toucannon Airlines."

Hearing the voice from the intercom, Ash stirred up. He tried to rub his eyes but felt locked in Serena's grip who had now basically wrapped her arms around him, hanging half over his seat with her head on his shoulder.

He let out a small chuckle before he placed his hand on her shoulder. Somehow, it was possible to do it from his locked position. Then, he shook her a little but it was to no avail as she just let out a soft moan and tightened her grip on him.

Ash thought it was cute to see her like that and making that soft moan, made her look even cuter. Then, another idea came to his mind. He leaned in and placed his lips on hers. This seemed to do the trick as she started kissing back before opening her sleepy eyes.

"What time is it." She murmured in a sleepy tone. "With ten minutes it's, three am, we're about to land." Ash said, speaking softly to not disrupt her.

"Mmmm.." Serena murmured as she laid her head back down on his shoulder, hugging tightly again. "I was just having such a nice dream..."

"Do you want to share it with me?" Ash asked, looking down at her. "Sure... I was dreaming of us having our own little family. It was so sweet..." She murmured, tilting her head slightly for comfort.

"Hmmm..." Ash commented with a smile. Her thinking about things like that made his heart race as he unknowingly smiled at it. "I'd like that too." He said softly.

Serena moved up, looking him into the eyes before she kissed his lips. " I love you." She almost wispered to which Ash gave her a smile. "I know, I love you too." He said in the same tone.

It wasn't long until the plane landed. Ash and Serena waited patiently for most of the people to exit the plane before they did it themselves. Ash stretched as he finally stood on solid ground, and so did Serena.

"Ahhh" Ash sighed in satisfaction as he finished stretching. "What do you say about heading home?" He asked her with a smile.

"Yeah---" Serena yawned, laying her head on Ash's shoulder as she hugged his arm.

"Wanna walk or fly?" Ash asked her, causing her to tilt her head and look at him in confusion. "Fly? How? You've left you're Alolan pokemon with Professor Kukui except for Lycanroc. And you've only got him, Lucario, Beldum and Pikachu with you." Serena said quizzingly.

"Almost." Ash smirked as he pulled out a pokeball and threw it into the air. A large yellow-orange dragon appeared from it.

"Burrrr---!" It roared and as soon as it locked eyes with Ash and Serena, it dived in and hugged the two.

"There, there... you can let go of us now Dragonite. " Ash said between his breaths as he gasped for air due to the tightness of the hug.

Just as he said, Dragonite released them from her grip as it flashed a smile at them. "I called my mom earlier, asking if she could sent over Dragonite." Ash clarified himself, Serena nodded in understanding while she gave him a quick smile.

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