First Round Rumble! CH-77

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Narrator: After a week of intense training, it is finally time for the school tournament's long awaited tag battle tournament. Join us ar our hero just wakes up after a pieceful night of sleep.

Ash slowly got up, rubbing his eyes. His room was dark as it was still early. Pikachu was sleeping at the foot end of the bed. Ash could hear the tiny snores from his little electric rodent who helped him out already countless times.

Ash looked to his side which was an empty space on his bed. I forgot, after returning home yesterday, Serena went back home aswell. He thought as he slowly got out of bed, not waking Pikachu up in the process.

He grabbed his clothes and made his way to the bathroom where he took a nice hot shower and brushed his teeth before heading back and wake up Pikachu. After that they both went downstairs.

"Hey mom, hey Gary." Ash greeted after he yawned.

"Morning Ash, Pikachu." They both said as I took my seat and Pikachu jumped from my shoulder on the table.

"Here's your breakfast Ash. Your favourite, pancakes!" Delia said smillingly as she put down a plate infront of me and one infront of Pikachu who was holding the ketchup bottle already. "Thanks mom!" Ash replied as he started to swallow down his food.

"You both ready for the tournament today?" Delia asked as she took a sip of her cup of thea. "Ofcourse! I'm more than ready and I'm gonna win it no matter what!" Ash exclaimed as he stood up and raised his fist infront of his chest.

"That won't happen Ash because I'm going to be the winner." Gary said calmly as he had his eyes closed while he took a sip from his thea.

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" Ash shouted in a determined manner. No matter what, he wasn't letting his first ever rival win this tournament.

Delia chuckled. "You two haven't changed a bit since the first day, you started your journey."

Both Ash and Gary looked up at Delia's words before looking at eachother with a competitive smile.

After a few moments, Ash and Gary finished up their breakfast, grabbed a few pokeballs they wanted to take with them and walked out of the house.

"You already know which pokemon you're gonna use Ash?" Gary asked, showing some interest as he walked through the front door.

"Yeah, Serena and I made up a plan to deal with Calem and Miette." Ash replied as he followed Gary outside.

"Who are you gonna use then?" Gary asked. Ash smirked. "It's a secret."

Gary pouted as Ash looked across the street where Serena just closed the door. "Serena!" Ash yelled on top of his lungs which grabbed her attention.

She turned her head and instantly smiled as she saw Ash and Gary. She quickly ran over to the two Kanto natives and jumped in Ash's arms, hugging him tighty. Ash smiled as he returned the hug.

As they broke the hug, they looked at Gary who had a stunned expression on his face. "Something wrong?" Serena asked smilingly.

"You changed your appearance?" Gary asked, recollecting himself.

"Yeah! Do you like it?" Serena asked as she twirled around once. "Ofcourse, it looks great on you." Gary complimented. Unlike Ash, Gary wasn't as dense and knew how and when to compliment a girl on her appearance. "Thank you Gary!" Serena said as she let out a small giggle while putting her hand into Ash's, intertwining their fingers.

"Shall we go?" Serena asked in an upbeat tone. Unlike during the weekend, she was really looking forward to the tournament. The closer the tournament got, the more determined she felt. "Yeah!" Both Ash and Gary answered at the same time as they started making their way towards Lumiose City with Ash and Serena holding hands like usual. On their way they met up with Shauna who joined them, also holding hands but with Gary. Serena had already sent Shauna a picture of her new attire so she wasn't surprised to see her wearing it.

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