Unexpected ~ CH-124 (2/2)

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Chapter 124 - Unexpected.

This is the second and final part of Ash's battle against Bonnie. It has a few twists and turns here and there and I hope it was worth the wait. I also made it a bit longer as usual in a way to try and compensate for it. Let me know of I achieved that. For now, I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment wherever you want. If you like it aswell, make sure to give it a vote. And if you want to be regularly updated by my posts or anything, make sure to drop a follow.

Important info: The commentator will be written in Italics.

League scoreboard:
Bold: Trainer/Pokemon name

Italics: Fainted Pokemon

Underline: Resting Pokemon

(Pokeball): Unrevealed Pokemon

For example - Trainer A: Poke1, Poke2, Poke3, Poke4, Poke5 (Pokeball), Poke6 (active one)

Wordcount: 7206


Narrator: Last time, Bonnie and Max realised their feelings for one another. Right after, Bonnie started her battle against none other than Ash, who used smart tactics to attack Bonnie with a completely different strategy than she had accounted for. We join them now as the smoke surrounds Dedenne after a devastating Hyper Beam from Donphan.

The crowd cheered as Bonnie was worried for Dedenne. The smoke still hadn't settled, not allowing her to find out of her pokemon is okay or not.

Clemont and Max both were worried for Max. Max didn't show it as much though as he still needed to see how things worked out between him and Bonnie. He didn't have the slightest idea of how a relationship worked. Therefore, he wanted to take things slow so that he could learn and adapt, along with Bonnie.

The smoke finally started to disappear. Much to everyone's surprise, Dedenne was still standing. Ash was very surprised by the little rodent. It had shown some incredible endurance, taking on a Hyper Beam and numerous attacks before that.

Bonnie however cheered and praised Dedenne for hanging in there. She was extremely proud of him, however she quickly realised that it the right time for that now. She had to find a way to defeat Donphan.

She gritted her teeth, seeing that her options with Dedenne were very limited. "Dedenne, come back!" Bonnie shouted. The little pokemon turned around to look at his trainer and nodded before leaving the field.

"Bonnie has decided to return Dedenne. Now, what will be her next pokemon?"

Ash smiled at her. He gave her a small approving nod as he agreed with her that she made the right call.

Bonnie took out another pokeball and smirked as she pulled her hand backwards. "Let's see how you deal with this!" She shouted as she threw it up high.

Out came a bipedal, dinosaur like pokemon that resembled a large theropod. It is predominantly brownish red with scaly patterns on its skin and scattered orange highlights on some scales and ridges. The pokemon's head is proportionately large with a blunt, ridged snout and powerful jaws. It has black around its eyes and a light gray lower jaw covered by a beard of white, primitive feathers. Several sharp teeth are visible in the lower jaw, while the upper jaw is lined with orange-tipped, tooth-like projections. Over its eyes is a row of five spikes resembling a crown. Around it's neck is a feathery white ruff that extends over its shoulders similar to a cape. Its underbelly is gray with white borders and there are two orange spikes near the tip of its long tail. Its small forelimbs have only two black-clawed digits each, but it has powerful hind legs with three black claws each. Plated, armor-like ridges cover its knees, back, and the top of its tail.

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