Climbing for Research! CH-9 3/3

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After a couple hours of flying, Ash and Goh have finally landed on the foot of Mt. Silver. Next to them is a pokemon centre where Ash and Goh rest up before they go and climb the mountain.
While they're there, they also use the time to let nurse Joy do some checkups on their pokemon.

Nurse Joy: I'll let you know the condition of your pokemon after i'm done

Ash & Goh: Thanks nurse Joy!

They see a table with some chairs and decide to sit there while they're waiting.

Ash: Man, it was quite the journey to get here, wasn't it?

Goh: Yeah but if it wasn't for your Pidgeot, it would've taken much longer by walking. And don't forget it had to carry us all at the same time aswell.

Ash: Yeah you're right, Pidgeot is an amazing pokemon. I'm so glad that we reunited back in Viridian forrest.

Goh: Yeah, you told me the story on our way here! It's so brave, I hope I'll get one like yours one day...

Ash: Sure Goh! If you work hard enough and become great friends with your Pidgey, 1 day it'll evolve into a Pidgeotto and eventually in a Pidgeot aswell!

Goh: You think so? Great! Thanks Ash! He yelled with excitement.

Ash: Ofcourse Goh! There is nothing better than being friends with pokemon!

At that moment nurse Joy called Ash and Goh to the front desk through the speakers in the pokemon centre

Nurse Joy: You're pokemon are in excellent shape, I can see you really care a lot about them.



As they both leap on their respective side of Ash's shoulder.
As Ash & Goh grab their pokeball's from the tray nurse Joy is holding.

Ash: Thanks nurse Joy, they're my best friends so ofcourse I'd do everything for them.

Goh: Same goes for me!

Nurse Joy smiles at their comments.

Now Ash and Goh started to walk to the exit of the pokemon centre and as they're outside, they start to follow the pathway up the mountain. After around 30 minutes of walking they come across a nice open area.

Ash: Look Goh, there's a nice spot over there! Let's take a little break before we continue since the path will be a little harder to travel.

Goh: Good thinking Ash, I might use the break aswell to catch some pokemon! As he grabs a pokeball from his pocket.

Ash: Yeah and I'll practice some with Riolu and Pikachu!

As Goh went into some nearby forrest so search for some pokemon, Ash sets up a little sparring match between Pikachu and Riolu.


Goh: Now let's see, where are they?


Goh: A Ryhorn!! Let's go pokeball!! As he grabs a pokeball from his pocket.

Goh pulls his hand behind his back and makes a swings it forward to launch the pokebal towards Ryhorn. As it flies towards Ryhond the ball picks up more and more speed. When it's about to hit Ryhorn his horn starts to glow and he smashes it back to the direction where it came from. The ball hits Goh's head and Goh falls on the ground making an "oef" noise.

Goh: so thats how you wanna play? Scizor come on out!

Goh throws Scizor's pokeball and Scizor emerges right infront of Goh.

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