The League of League's! CH-4

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We start off with Ash, Gary and Professor Oak who are walking towards Ash's house for dinner.

"I can't wait to eat my mom's food again, it's been so long!" Ash says with loads of excitement, clenching his fist infront of his chest.

"You never change, do you?" Gary replies as he smirks, shrugging his shoulders.

"You know me too well Gary." Ash says as he chuckles on Gary's comment.

Ash, Gary and Professor Oak walk towards Ash's place what he calls home. After a few minutes they arrive and Ash opens the door.

"We're here mom!" Ash yells, grabbing the attention of his mother.

"Welcome back Ash, and you too Gary and Samuel." Delia says with a bright smile on her face.

(Samuel is prof. Oaks first name)

"Thanks for having us mrs. Ketchum." Gary says politely.

"Yes thank you Delia, thanks to you I won't have to eat tofu today." professor Oak jokes, making the others laugh aswell.

"No problem at all! I'm glad to have some visitors. Anyway, dinner's ready, shall we eat?" Delia exclaims gesturing towards the dining table.

Ash's face lights up as he smells the food coming from the kitchen. "You don't have to say that twice!" Ash yells as he sashes to the kitchen, Pikachu barely holding in for dear life.

As Ash enters the kitchen and sits down on a chair, pikachu hops onto the table and as soon as he sees the ketchup bottle, he shouts "PIKAA!!" with stars in his eyes.

Delia, Gary and professor Oak laugh at Ash and Pikachu's behaviour as they walk into the kitchen and sit down on a chair aswell. At first, they ate in peace until Ash broke the silence.

"Since I'm home from my 2 years in Alola I need to tell you something." Ash says as he stands up, gaining the attention from everyone in the room.

"what is it Ash?" Delia asks with a confused look on her face.

Without saying a word, Ash grabs his bag and pulls the thropy out for winning the Alola League.

"We'll i've won the Alola League and i'm now their first ever champion!" Ash says, chuckling and nervously scratching the back or his head.

It takes a moment for everyone to process before they scream "WHAT!" In unison.

Delia is first to break out in happiness. "Congratulations Ash! I'm so proud of you!" She says as she gives him a thight hug.

Prof. Oak claps his hands. "Well done my boy! I knew you could do it someday." He says with nodding his head proudly.

Gary was shocked for a moment. His oldest rival achieved something he thought he wouldn't be able to do for atleast the upcoming 10 years. "To think Ashy-boy is now a champion? Good job Ash!" He says, slightly suprised but proud aswell.

Ash smiles at all the compliments and says. "Thanks guys."

After they finished celebrating Ash's win, Delia also has also an anouncement. "Well Ash, since you brought out some big news, I guess I need to do the same. In a couple weeks we're moving to the Kalos Region to a place called Vaniville Town."

Ash's face changed from a happy smile to a shocked frown. "WHAT?? Why are we moving mom?" He asks, clearly confused.

"Well Ash, in Kalos I want you to attend to a school named Sycamore High, it's lead by professor Sycamore and champion Diantha. It's also known as the "School of Champions" since people like Steven Stone and even our champion Lance attended to that school." Delia explains.

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