Enter the Champion! CH-21 (1/3)

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From the tunnel appeared Gladion on the back of his Silvally who stopped on the middle of the battlefield. Wich shocked Calem and everyone in the stadium.

Serena: Is Gladion of the Alolan Elite 4 gonna battle Calem??

Gary: You'll see...

Gladion was over at the battlefield and said "I'm taking it from here!"

Gladion released Zoroark and commanded it to create some illusions to make it more dramatic.

The sky started to get a bit darker and there were some lights focussed on Gladion.

May: I don't like this one bit! This is scaring the crap out of me!

Gladion: People from Lumiose City, Students of Sycamore High and Champions from all over the regions! I'm here to announce the opponent who is gonna battle Calem here.

"Not is he only a hero of this region, he's also the Champion of Alola! May I present you my champion!"

Gary muttered to himself as he said "hpmff show off..."

The lights started to focus on the tunnel to see who came out.

Everyone was focussed at the tunnel and some large shadows appeared. Because of Zoroarks illusions, the ground started to shake a bit and the shadows grew even larger.

Dawn: What thing is coming out of there!? She said in a frightened tone.

Gary: What you're seeing now is the Alolan Champion entering the stadium in the Alolan way.

Serena: So there will be a real champion battling Calem!? Serena asked confused but suprised.

Gary: Yes!

May: What do you mean with the Alolan way to enter a battle?

Misty: The Alolan way is more dramatic, more like a show!

Everyone looked suprised at Misty, except for Brock.

Gary: How do you know?

Brock: Misty and I went to Alola for a trip, we met up with Ash and his friends there at the pokemon school!

Gary: Oh! You visited during his time in Alola?

Brock: Yeah! And it was amazing there!

Then they focussed back on the shadows coming from the tunnel.

First they saw a Riolu walking out and behind that they saw a person with a Pikachu on his shoulder walking out.

As Ash stood on his place, the illusions started to fade away.

Ash: This was a bit over the top Gladion! Ash said chuckling while he scratched the back of his head.

Gladion: Well, you asked for the Alolan entrance... what do you expect champion?

Everyone in the stands except for Gary "WAIT ASH IS A CHAMPION!???"

Gary chuckled a bit on this.

Serena: You knew Gary?? She said while looking a bit angry at him.

Gary: Yeah, but he wanted to keep it secret so he could suprise you all and man he did! He said as he bursted out laughing.

Gladion left the battlefield and made his way over to the skybox so he could join the champions for this battle.

Before Gladion left he stopped a moment next to Ash while looking next to eachother and he said "If you lose to this loser, I'm taking your title... Got it?"

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